| Name | Description |
| AddPlaneTriangleIndices(IListInt32) |
AddPlaneTriangleIndices adds triangle indexes to the specified list of triangle indices.
| AddPlaneTriangleIndices(Int32, Int32, IListInt32, Int32) |
AddPlaneTriangleIndices adds triangle indexes to the specified list of triangle indices.
| AddPlaneVertices |
AddPlaneVertices adds PositionNormalTextureVertex for the plane with specified parameters to the existing IList of vertices.
The method also updates the boundingBox of the positions.
| CreateArrowMesh(Vector3, Vector3, Single, Int32, Boolean, String) |
Create a 3D arrow mesh. The arrow tip radius is set to twice the body radius, and arrow angle is set to 60 degrees.
| CreateArrowMesh(Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Single, Int32, Boolean, String) |
Create a 3D arrow mesh with parametrized arrow tip.
| CreateBoxMesh(Vector3, Vector3, String) |
CreateBoxMesh creates a box and returns a StandardMesh with filled vertices array and index array.
| CreateBoxMesh(Vector3, Vector3, Int32, Int32, Int32, String) |
CreateBoxMesh creates a box and returns a StandardMesh with filled vertices array and index array.
| CreateCircleMesh |
Create a 3D mesh representing a flat 2D circle.
| CreateConeMesh |
Create an upright cone mesh.
| CreateCylinderMesh |
Create an upright cylinder mesh as a special case of a cone with equal top and bottom radii.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape. The base surface is defined by a polygon given as a sequence
of positions, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
using cylindrical projection.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape. The base surface is defined by a polygon given as a sequence
of positions, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape. The base surface is defined by sequence of positions and
triangle indices, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Int32, Vector2, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from multiple 2D shapes.
The base surface is defined by sequence of positions and
triangle indices, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Int32, Vector2, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from multiple 2D shapes.
The base surface is defined by sequence of positions and
triangle indices, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMeshAlongPath(Vector2, Vector3, Vector3, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape along the defined path in the 3D.
| CreateExtrudedMeshAlongPath(Vector2, Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape along the defined path in the 3D.
| CreateHashSymbolMesh |
Creates a mesh that represents a customized hash symbol.
This method is used to create a 3D hash symbol for Ab4d.SharpEngine logo.
| CreateLatheMesh(Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryLatheSection, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, NullableVector3, String) |
Create a 3D lathe mesh using a standard 0-to-360-degrees rotation. A lathe is a 3D shape obtained by
rotating a pre-defined control profile around an axis.
| CreateLatheMesh(Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryLatheSection, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Single, Single, Boolean, NullableVector3, String) |
Create a 3D lathe mesh using a custom rotation. A lathe is a 3D shape obtained by rotating a pre-defined
control profile around an axis.
| CreateLogoHashSymbolMesh |
Creates a mesh that represents a hash symbol that is used for Ab4d.SharpEngine logo.
| CreatePlaneMesh |
CreatePlaneMesh creates a plane and returns a StandardMesh with filled vertices array and index array.
| CreatePyramidMesh |
CreatePyramidMesh creates a plane and returns StandardMesh with filled vertices array and index array.
| CreateSphereMesh |
CreateSphereMesh creates a sphere and returns StandardMesh with filled vertices array and index array.
| CreateTrapezoidMesh(Vector3, Vector2, Vector3, Vector2, String) |
Create an upright trapezoid mesh.
| CreateTrapezoidMesh(Vector3, Vector2, Vector3, Vector2, Vector3, Vector3, String) |
Create a trapezoid mesh with custom base vectors.
| CreateTubeLineMesh |
Create a 3D line mesh from start to end point.
| CreateTubeMesh(Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Int32, String) |
Create an upright 3D tube mesh with same inner and outer radius at both ends.
When height is zero, the resulting mesh is a flat 2D shape. When inner radius is zero, the mesh becomes
a cylinder (generated as a lathe mesh).
| CreateTubeMesh(Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Int32, String) |
Create a 3D tube mesh with same inner and outer radius at both ends, and direction given by the specified
height direction vector.
When height is zero, the resulting mesh is a flat 2D shape. When inner radius is zero, the mesh becomes
a cylinder (generated as a lathe mesh).
| CreateTubeMesh(Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Int32, Single, Single, String) |
Create a 3D tube mesh with custom parametrization (i.e., height direction vector, start and end angle for
the tube's side surface, separate radii settings for each end of the tube).
When height is zero, the resulting mesh is a flat 2D shape. When inner radius is zero, the mesh becomes
a cylinder (generated as a lathe mesh).
| CreateTubeMeshAlongPath |
Create a 3D mesh that consists of 3D tubes connecting the path between the given points.
| GetBoxTriangleIndicesArray |
Returns an array of triangle indexes that can be used with vertex buffer created by SetBoxVerticesArray(Vector3, Vector3, PositionNormalTextureVertex, BoundingBox) method.
| GetPlaneTriangleIndicesArray |
Returns an array of triangle indexes that can be used with vertex buffer created by SetPlaneVerticesArray(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single, Int32, Int32, PositionNormalTextureVertex, BoundingBox) method.
| GetSharedBoxMesh |
Gets the shared mesh of a box with center at (0, 0, 0) and size (1, 1, 1).
| GetSharedPlaneMesh |
Gets the shared mesh of a plane with CenterPosition at (0,0,0), PlaneNormal as (0,0,1), PlaneHeightDirection as (0, 1, 0) and Size as (1, 1).
| GetSharedSphereMesh |
Gets the shared sphere mesh with center at (0, 0, 0), radius of 1 and 30 sphere segments.
| GetSphereTriangleIndicesArray |
Returns an array of triangle indexes that can be used with vertex buffer created by SetSphereVerticesArray(Vector3, Single, Int32, PositionNormalTextureVertex, BoundingBox) method.
| SetBoxVerticesArray |
SetBoxVerticesArray fills the PositionNormalTextureVertex array with position, normal and texture coordinates for the box with specified parameters.
If the specified vertexBufferArray is null or its Length is not 24, then a new array of PositionNormalTextureVertex with 24 items is created.
The method also sets the boundingBox of the positions.
| SetPlaneVerticesArray |
SetPlaneVerticesArray fills the PositionNormalTextureVertex array with position, normal and texture coordinates for the plane with specified parameters.
If the specified verticesArray is null or its Length is not correct, then a new array of PositionNormalTextureVertex is created.
The method also sets the boundingBox of the positions.
| SetSphereVerticesArray |
SetSphereVerticesArray fills the PositionNormalTextureVertex array with position, normal and texture coordinates for the sphere with specified parameters.
If the specified verticesArray is null or its Length is not correct, then a new array of PositionNormalTextureVertex is created.
The method also sets the boundingBox of the positions.