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Ab4d.SharpEngine.Meshes Namespace

Public classBooleanMesh BooleanMesh class can be used to create a Mesh by using Boolean operations. The BooleanMesh caches the internal objects and is therefore much faster than MeshBooleanOperations class when using multiple Boolean operations on one mash. Also, the actual Mesh is not generated after each Boolean operation but only after the user calls the GetMesh method is called.
Public classGeometryMesh StandardMesh is a StandardMesh that can be defined by providing individual arrays for position, normal, texture coordinates and triangle indices.
Public classMesh Mesh provides geometry information to the rendering engine. Mesh is a base abstract class that defines the common properties for all mesh objects.
Public classMeshFactory MeshFactory class provides methods that can create many types of meshes.
Public classPositionsMesh PositionsMesh class defines the mesh that is created only from positions and is usually used to render 3D lines.
Public classStandardMesh StandardMesh is a TriangleMeshT that uses standard vertex format (PositionNormalTextureVertex) with position, normal and texture coordinates.
Public classSubMesh SubMesh can be used by the MultiMaterialModelNode to use one mesh with different materials. Each SubMesh defines which triangles are rendered by which material.
Public classTriangleMeshT TriangleMesh class defines the mesh that is created from triangles. Triangles are defined using the data from the TriangleIndices to combine three vertices (defined in Vertices).
Public structureMeshFactoryLatheSection Representation of a lathe section (i.e., a control point on lathe profile).
Public interfaceITriangularMesh ITriangularMesh interface can be implemented by meshes that are defined from triangles and implement TrianglesCount property and GetTrianglePositions(Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) method.
Public enumerationMeshDataChannelTypes MeshDataChannelTypes enum defined possible mesh data channel types.
Public enumerationMeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType The type of texture coordinates generation used with MeshUtils.CreateExtrudedMesh.