| Name | Description |
| Align(Int32, Int32) | |
| Align(Int64, Int32) | |
| Align(UInt32, Int32) | |
| Align(UInt64, Int32) | |
| BoolToInt | |
| ChangeHandedness |
Change matrix from right handed to left handed and vice-versa.
| Clamp |
Clamps the specified value.
| Cross |
Calculates the cross product between two Vector2 values.
| DegreesToRadians |
Converts degrees to radians.
| FastAbs | |
| Gauss(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Gauss function.
| Gauss(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) |
Gauss function.
| GetAngleDiff |
Returned the smallest difference between two angles in degrees (result is in range between 0 and 180).
| GetCenterPosition(Vector3, PositionTypes, Vector3, Vector3, Vector2) |
Calculates center position from the specified position, position type, directions and 2D size.
| GetCenterPosition(Vector3, PositionTypes, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) |
Calculates center position from the specified position, position type, directions and 3D size.
| GetClosestPointOnPlane |
Returns a Vector3 that lies on this plane is the closest to the specified position.
| GetDirectionalLightShadowMatrix |
Creates a matrix that flattens a 3D mesh into a shadow mesh that lies on this plane and has zero height.
| GetDistanceToPlane |
Returns signed distance of the specified position from this Plane.
If distance is positive, then position is in front of the plane (determined by the direction of the plane's normal).
If distance is negative, then position is behind the plane.
If distance is zero, then position lies on the plane.
| GetPerpendicularVectors(Vector3) |
Returns two vectors that are perpendicular (orthogonal) to the given inputVector and to each other. Both returned vectors are normalized.
| GetPerpendicularVectors(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) |
Find two vectors that are perpendicular (orthogonal) to the given inputVector and to each other. Both returned vectors are normalized.
| GetPlaneIntersection(Plane, BoundingBox) |
Returns a MathUtilsPlaneIntersectionType that describes where the specified bounds (as Rect3D) lie in relation to this Plane.
| GetPlaneIntersection(Plane, Vector3, Double) |
Returns a MathUtilsPlaneIntersectionType that describes where the Sphere (specified by sphereCenter and sphereRadius) lies in relation to this Plane.
| GetPlaneIntersection(Plane, Vector3, Single) |
Returns a MathUtilsPlaneIntersectionType that describes where the specified position lie in relation to this Plane.
| GetPlaneIntersection(Plane, Vector3, Single) |
Returns a MathUtilsPlaneIntersectionType that describes where the specified positions lie in relation to this Plane.
| GetPointLightShadowMatrix |
Creates a matrix that flattens a 3D mesh into a shadow mesh that lies on this plane and has zero height.
| GetPointToLineDistance |
GetPointToLineDistance returns the closest distance between a 3D position and a line.
| GetRayRayClosestPoint |
Sets intersectionPoint to a point on the ray1 that is the closest to the ray2.
Returns true if closestPoint is valid; false if intersection is not found (if rays are parallel).
| GetSetBitsCount(Int32) |
Returns the number of bits set to 1.
Can be used to count how many flags in an enum value are set.
| GetSetBitsCount(UInt32) |
Returns the number of bits set to 1.
Can be used to count how many flags in an enum value are set.
| GetSignedAngleDiff |
Returned the smallest difference between two angles in degrees (difference is positive if angle1 is bigger then angle2)
| IsEmptySize(Vector2) |
Used to check is size that is represented by Vector2 is Empty.
Returns true if X and Y are zero or if X or Y are NaN.
| IsEmptySize(Vector3) |
Used to check is size that is represented by Vector3 is Empty.
Returns true if X, Y and Z are zero or if X, Y or Z are NaN.
| IsFinite(Vector2) |
Returns true when the X and Y values in the vector2 struct are finite, e.g. are not NaN and not Infinity.
| IsFinite(Vector3) |
Returns true when the X, Y and Z values in the vector3 struct are finite, e.g. are not NaN and not Infinity.
| IsNonZeroPositive(Single) |
Returns true when the number positive and not zero, negative, NaN or Infinity.
| IsNonZeroPositive(Vector2) |
Returns true when the X and Y values in the vector2 struct are positive and not zero, negative, NaN or Infinity.
| IsNonZeroPositive(Vector3) |
Returns true when the X, Y and Z values in the vector3 struct are positive and not zero, negative, NaN or Infinity.
| IsNotZero |
Determines whether the specified value is not close to zero (0.0f).
| IsOne |
Determines whether the specified value is close to one (1.0f).
| IsPositiveOrZero(Single) |
Returns true when the number is zero or bigger (and not negative, NaN or Infinity)
| IsPositiveOrZero(Vector2) |
Returns true when size is valid: the X and Y values in the vector2 struct are zero or bigger (and not negative, NaN or Infinity)
| IsPositiveOrZero(Vector3) |
Returns true when size is valid: the X, Y and Z values in the vector3 struct are zero or bigger (and not negative, NaN or Infinity)
| IsPower2(Int32) |
Returns true is the specified value is exact power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...)
| IsPower2(UInt32) |
Returns true is the specified value is exact power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...).
Returns false for 0.
| IsSame(BoundingBox, BoundingBox) |
Returns true if the specified BoundingBox values are same (taking float precision errors into account).
| IsSame(Color3, Color3) |
Returns true if byte values (each color is in range from 0 to 255) of this color are the same as byte values of the other colors.
| IsSame(Color4, Color4) |
Returns true if byte values (each color is in range from 0 to 255) of this color are the same as byte values of the other colors.
| IsSame(Single, Single) |
Checks if a and b are almost equals, taking into account the magnitude of floating point numbers (unlike WithinEpsilon(Single, Single, Single) method). See Remarks.
See remarks.
| IsSame(Vector2, Vector2) |
Returns true if the specified Vector2 values are same (taking float precision errors into account).
| IsSame(Vector3, Vector3) |
Returns true if the specified Vector3 values are same (taking float precision errors into account).
| IsSame(BoundingBox, BoundingBox, Single) |
Returns true if the difference between the components in two BoundingBoxes are smaller than the specified tolerance.
| IsSame(Color3, Color3, Single) |
Returns true if color the difference between each color component is smaller than the specified tolerance.
| IsSame(Color4, Color4, Single) |
Returns true if color the difference between each color component is smaller than the specified tolerance.
| IsSame(Single, Single, Single) |
Check is the difference between a and b is smaller than the specified tolerance.
| IsSame(Vector2, Vector2, Single) |
Returns true if the difference between the components in Vector2 are smaller than the specified tolerance.
| IsSame(Vector3, Vector3, Single) |
Returns true if the difference between the components in Vector3 are smaller than the specified tolerance.
| IsZero |
Determines whether the specified value is close to zero (0.0f).
| IsZeroOrBigger |
Determines whether the specified value is bigger then zero (or close to the zero).
| Lerp |
Interpolates between two values using a linear function by a given amount.
| Log2(Int32) | |
| Log2(UInt32) | |
| NormalizeAngleTo180 |
Returns an angle that is normalized so that it is always in range from -180 to 180 degrees.
For example 270 is converted into -90; -200 is converted into 160.
To get an angle in range from 0 to 360, use the NormalizeAngleTo360(Single) method.
| NormalizeAngleTo360 |
Returns an angle that is normalized so that it is always in range from 0 to 360 degrees.
For example -90 is converted into 270; 400 is converted into 40.
To get an angle in range from -180 to 180, use the NormalizeAngleTo180(Single) method.
| Orthogonalize | Orthogonalizes a list of vectors. |
| Orthonormalize | Orthonormalizes a list of vectors. |
| Power2 | |
| Project |
Projects a 3D vector from object space into screen space.
| RadiansToDegrees |
Converts radians to degrees.
| RayPlaneIntersection |
RayPlaneIntersection calculates a position where a ray intersects a plane. Returns false if there is no intersection.
| SmootherStep |
Performs a smooth(er) interpolation between 0 and 1 with 1st and 2nd order derivatives of zero at endpoints.
| SmoothStep |
Performs smooth (cubic Hermite) interpolation between 0 and 1.
| Ternary(Boolean, Int32, Int32) | |
| Ternary(Int32, Int32, Int32) | |
| Unproject |
Projects a 3D vector from screen space into object space.
| WithinEpsilon |
Checks if a - b are almost equals within a float epsilon.
| Wrap |
Wraps the specified value into a range [min, max]