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Ab4d.SharpEngine.RenderingSteps Namespace

Public classBeginRenderPassRenderingStep BeginRenderPassRenderingStep begins rendering by first calling vkBeginCommandBuffer on the renderingContext.CurrentCommandBuffer, then calling vkCmdBeginRenderPass and finally calling the vkCmdSetViewport and vkCmdSetScissor.
Public classCompleteRenderingStep CompleteRenderingStep completes the rendering. It submits the command buffers, waits until rendered, presents the swap chain or copies the rendered texture to a staging buffer.
Public classFillCommandBufferRenderingStep FillCommandBufferRenderingStep is an abstract RenderingStep that is used to fill CommandBuffers with commands to render the RenderingItem. The derived classes should call RenderRenderingLayer(CommandBuffer, RenderingLayer, RenderingContext) and and can set overrideEffectTechnique and filterObjectsFunction protected fields.
Public classInitializeRenderingStep InitializeRendering is the first rendering step. It sets up the RenderingContext with current RenderTargets, resets statistics, etc.
Public classRenderingStep RenderingStep is an abstract base class for other rendering step classes. It does not define any rendering logic but provides handling BeforeRunningStep and AfterRunningStep event handling.
Public classRenderingStepsGroup RenderingStepsGroup is a rendering step that can group multiple rendering steps inside its Children list of rendering steps.
Public classRenderingStepsList RenderingStepsList is a collection of rendering steps. It provides additional methods to add rendering steps before and after specific rendering step.
Public classRenderObjectsRenderingStep RenderObjectsRenderingStep renders the objects by filling the CurrentCommandBuffer with commands to render the RenderingItem objects that are defined in the RenderingLayers from the current Scene (or from CustomRenderingLayers when defined). It also defines optional properties to filter the rendered objects (FilterRenderingLayersFunction, FilterObjectsFunction) or to override the used EffectTechnique (OverrideEffectTechnique).
Public classRenderSpritesRenderingStep RenderSpritesRenderingStep can render sprites from Scene and SceneView.
Public structureRenderingStepsListEnumerator Enumerator for enumerating RenderingStep