Ab |
Class | Description | |
Colors | Colors class defines known colors as Colors4. | |
DeviceCreateFailedEventArgs | DeviceCreateFailedEventArgs is used to provide more information about why device creation failed and to provide user an option to show his own error message instead of default error text. | |
EasingFunctions | EasingFunctions static class defines the standard easing functions that can ease a value in range from 0 to 1. | |
EffectRegisteredEventArgs | EffectRegisteredEventArgs class defines the Effect that was registered by EffectsManager and is used in the EffectRegistered event in EffectsManager. | |
EngineCreateOptions | Options that are user to initialize Ab4d.SharpEngine. When using SharpEngineSceneView, then EngineCreateOptions can be changed by using CreateOptions property. | |
EngineRuntimeOptions | EngineRuntimeOptions is a static class that provides static properties that control the runtime operation of the engine, many of them are used for diagnostics and logging. | |
EventSourceDragEventArgs | EventSourceDragEventArgs defines data about pointer drag. To prevent creating many new objects, the same instance of EventSourceDragEventArgs can be shared between different events. | |
EventSourceEventArgs | EventSourceEventArgs defines source of the event as InputEventsSource and the position of the pointer and pressed pointer buttons. To prevent creating many new objects, the same instance of EventSourceEventArgs can be shared between different events. | |
EventSourceHitEventArgs | EventSourceHitEventArgs defines data about hit object and the current pointer position and pressed buttons. To prevent creating many new objects, the same instance of EventSourceHitEventArgs can be shared between different events. | |
GpuDeviceCreatedEventArgs | GpuDeviceCreatedEventArgs is used for GpuDeviceCreated event and provides the created VulkanDevice object. | |
HitTestContext | HitTestContext provides a context information for hit testing. | |
HitTestOptions | HitTestOptions class specifies hit testing parameters that are used with hit testing. | |
HitTestResult | HitTestResult is a base class for hit test results in SharpEngine. | |
ModelMovedEventArgs | ModelMovedEventArgs contains MoveVector and is used by ModelMover. | |
ModelRotatedEventArgs | ModelRotatedEventArgs contains rotation angles and is used by ModelRotator. | |
ModelScaledEventArgs | ModelScaledEventArgs contains ScaleFactors and is used by ModelScalar. | |
PointerStateEventArgs | PointerStateEventArgs defines the position of the pointer and pressed pointer buttons. To prevent creating many new objects, the same instance of PointerStateEventArgs can be shared between different events. | |
PointerWheelHitEventArgs | Provides data for pointer or mouse wheel events on 3D objects. To prevent creating many new objects, the same instance of MouseWheelHitEventArgs can be shared between different events. | |
PolygonAnalyzer | PolygonAnalyzer can be used to analyzed a 2D polygon that is defined by a list of 2D positions. | |
PolygonVertex | PolygonVertex represents a single vertex in double linked list of a polygon that is defined by PolygonAnalyzer. | |
QueueFamilyIndicesInfo | ||
RawImageData | RawImageData class contains image metadata and raw image data that is stored in the Data byte array. | |
RayHitTestResult | RayHitTestResult class provides result of a ray hit test. | |
RayInstancedHitTestResult | RayInstancedHitTestResult class provides result of a ray hit test that is executed on an instanced object and provides an additional HitInstanceIndex property. | |
RenderingEventArgs | RenderingEventArgs contains the RenderingContext. | |
RenderingLayerSortingCompletedEventArgs | RenderingLayerSortingCompletedEventArgs is used for the SortingCompleted event. The event is called after the RenderingLayer is sorted. It allows the code in the event handler to change the order in which objects are rendered by changing the values in the SortedIndexes array (note: use RenderingItems.Count to get number of items because SortedIndexes.Length may be too big). | |
SharpEngineException | SharpEngineException is an exception that thrown is in Ab4d.SharpEngine. | |
SharpEngineValidationException | ||
SubMeshHitTestResult | SubMeshHitTestResult class provides result of a ray hit test that is executed on MultiMaterialModelNode and provides an additional SubMeshIndex property. | |
ViewSizeChangedEventArgs | ViewSizeChangedEventArgs is used when the size of the View is changed. | |
VulkanMemoryInfo | VulkanMemoryInfo provides access to memory allocated on the graphics card that was allocated by a class that implements IVulkanMemoryAllocator. The handle to the allocated memory is assigned to DeviceMemory property. The class also provides Size, MemoryTypeIndex. When the memory is no longer needed, it need to be disposed by calling FreeMemory(VulkanMemoryInfo) method on the VulkanMemoryAllocator. |
Structure | Description | |
BoundingBox | Represents an axis-aligned bounding box in three dimensional space. | |
Color3 | Represents a color that is defined by 3 float values: Blue, Green and Red. | |
Color4 | Represents a color that is defined by 4 float values: Blue, Green, Red and Alpha. | |
IntSize | IntSize represents the size of a rectangular region with Width and Height as integer values. | |
PositionColorVertex | PositionColorVertex is a struct used for vertex buffer that defines Position and Color | |
PositionNormalTextureVertex | PositionNormalTextureVertex is a struct used for vertex buffer that defines Position, Normal and TextureCoordinate | |
PositionTextureColorVertex | PositionTextureColorVertex is a struct used for vertex buffer that defines Position, TextureCoordinate and Color. | |
Ray | Represents a three dimensional line based on a point in space and a direction. | |
WorldColorInstanceData | InstanceData contains World and Color data that describe the world transformation and color of one geometry instance. After each change of InstancesData user must call Update method in InstancedGeometryVisual3D. |
Interface | Description | |
IBitmapIO | IBitmapIO interface defines platform independent methods to provide basic bitmap loading and saving methods. | |
ICacheProvider | ICacheProvider interface defines methods to cache, get cache and remove cached values. | |
IRayHitTestedObject | IRayHitTestedObject interface can be implemented by a objects that supports hit testing. | |
ISharpEngineSceneView | ISharpEngineSceneView interface defines the common properties and methods that are defined by all platform specific SharpEngineSceneView objects that are defined in platform specific assemblies (for example Ab4d.SharpEngine.Wpf, Ab4d.SharpEngine.WinUI, Ab4d.SharpEngine.AvaloniaUI). | |
IVulkanMemoryAllocator |
Delegate | Description | |
DeviceCreateFailedEventHandler | DeviceCreateFailedEventHandler is an event handler with DeviceCreateFailedEventArgs as event arguments | |
EffectRegisteredEventHandler | EffectRegisteredEventHandler is an event handler with EffectRegisteredEventArgs as an argument and is used for the EffectRegistered event in EffectsManager. | |
EventSourceDragHitEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle pointer or mouse drag events on 3D objects. | |
EventSourceEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle pointer or mouse related events that originate from InputEventsSource. | |
EventSourceHitEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle pointer or mouse related events after a hit. | |
GpuDeviceCreatedEventHandler | GpuDeviceCreatedEventHandler is an event handler with GpuDeviceCreatedEventArgs as event arguments | |
PointerStateEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle pointer or mouse related events. | |
PointerWheelHitEventHandler | Represents the method that will handle pointer or mouse wheel events on 3D objects. | |
RenderingEventHandler | RenderingEventHandler is an event handler with RenderingEventArgs as event arguments | |
RenderingLayerSortingCompletedEventHandler | RenderingLayerSortingCompletedEventHandler is an event handler with SortingCompleted event. | |
ViewSizeChangedEventHandler | ViewSizeChangedEventHandler is a delegate for the ViewSizeChangedEventArgs. |
Enumeration | Description | |
CameraZoomMode | CameraZoomMode defines the possible zoom modes in CameraController. Each zoom mode specifies different location into which the camera is zoomed. | |
CommonSamplerTypes | CommonSamplerTypes defines the common type of GPU samplers. | |
CoordinateSystems | CoordinateSystems defines the possible coordinate systems that can be used in Ab4d.SharpEngine. The coordinate system can be changed by the SetCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystems) method. The default coordinate system is YUpRightHanded. CAD applications usually use ZUpRightHanded coordinate system. | |
EffectTechniqueFlags | EffectTechniqueFlags are used by the Flags property. | |
EngineCreateOptionsDeviceSelectionTypes | DeviceSelectionTypes enum defines possible values for the DeviceSelectionType property. | |
EngineRuntimeOptionsValidationTimeTypes | ValidationTimeTypes enum defines flags that are used in the ValidationTime property. | |
EngineRuntimeOptionsWarningActionLevel | WarningActionLevel enum is used to define what action is performed on the specified event. | |
FitIntoViewType | FitIntoViewType enum defines possible ways to calculate the distance and center position to fit the scene into current viewport. | |
HitTestOptionsHitTestFilterResult | Specifies the return result of a hit test filter callback method. | |
KeyboardModifiers | KeyboardModifiers enum defines different keyboard modifiers. | |
LineCap | LineCap enum defines the shape of the line at its start or its end. | |
LineRasterizationModes | LineRasterizationModes enum defines possible line rasterization modes (specify line rendering technique). | |
LogLevels | LogLevels define log levels that are used in SharpEngine. | |
MouseAndKeyboardConditions | Obsolete. | |
MouseButtons | Obsolete. MouseButtons enum is obsolete. Please use PointerButtons instead. | |
PointerAndKeyboardConditions | PointerAndKeyboardConditions enum defines the conditions that can be used to specify what condition must be met to rotate or move the camera by ManualPointerCameraController or other pointer or mouse camera controller. | |
PointerButtons | PointerButtons enum defines different pointer or mouse buttons. | |
PositionTypes | PositionTypes define possible position types. PositionType defines which part of the object is placed at the specified Position. | |
PresentationTypes | PresentationTypes enum defines how the SharpEngine will present the 3D scene to the UI framework. Not all presentation types are supported on all platforms. To check if a specific presentation type is supported, call the SharpEngineSceneView.IsPresentationTypeSupported method. | |
RenderingItemFlags | RenderingItemFlags enum is used to define the flags in the RenderingItem | |
SceneDirtyFlags | SceneDirtyFlags enum defines flags that describe what changes have occur in the Scene from last time the scene was rendered. | |
SceneNodeDirtyFlags | SceneNodeDirtyFlags enum defines the flags that are used to mark which part of the SceneNode was changed (is dirty). | |
SceneNodeVisibility | SceneNodeVisibility enum defines Hidden and Visible enum values. | |
SceneViewDirtyFlags | SceneViewDirtyFlags enum defines flags that describe what changes have occur in the SceneView from last time the scene was rendered. | |
ShowCameraLightType | Enum used by the ShowCameraLight property to define when the camera light is shown. | |
StandardBitmapFormats | StandardBitmapFormats enum defines the standard bitmap formats that are supported by SharpEngine. | |
ViewRotationTypes | ViewRotationTypes enum defines the possible view rotation values |