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ISharpEngineSceneView Interface

ISharpEngineSceneView interface defines the common properties and methods that are defined by all platform specific SharpEngineSceneView objects that are defined in platform specific assemblies (for example Ab4d.SharpEngine.Wpf, Ab4d.SharpEngine.WinUI, Ab4d.SharpEngine.AvaloniaUI).

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.Common
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public interface ISharpEngineSceneView : IComponentBase

The ISharpEngineSceneView type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCreateOptions Gets the EngineCreateOptions that were used to create the VulkanInstance and VulkanDevice.
Public propertyGpuDevice Gets the graphics device object (VulkanDevice).
Public propertyPresentationType Presentation type defines how the rendered 3D scene will be presented to the platform. Default value is SharedTexture.
Public propertyScene Gets the Scene that defines the 3D objects.
Public propertySceneView Gets the SceneView that renders the Scene to this control.
Public methodInitialize Initialize method initializes the engine by using the CreateOptions from this SharpEngineSceneView.
Public methodInitialize(ActionEngineCreateOptions) Initialize method initializes the engine by using EngineCreateOptions that are defined by the provided configureAction.
Public methodInitialize(EngineCreateOptions) Initialize method initializes the engine by using the specified EngineCreateOptions.
Public methodInitialize(VulkanDevice) Initialize method initializes the engine by using the specified VulkanDevice object.
Public methodIsPresentationTypeSupported(PresentationTypes) Returns true when the specified presentationType is supported on the current GpuDevice. This method must not be called before the GpuDevice is created (before SharpEngineSceneView is initialized).
Public methodIsPresentationTypeSupported(PresentationTypes, String) Returns true when the specified presentationType is supported on the current GpuDevice. When presentation type is not supported, a string with additional information is set to the additionalInfo parameter. This method must not be called before the GpuDevice is created (before SharpEngineSceneView is initialized).
Public methodIsPresentationTypeSupported(PresentationTypes, VulkanDevice, String) Returns true when the specified presentationType is supported on the specified GpuDevice. When presentation type is not supported, a string with additional information is set to the additionalInfo parameter.
Public methodRenderScene RenderScene renders the scene. The method first calls the SceneUpdating event. If forceRender is false then the scene is rendered only if there are any changes in the Scene or SceneView. If forceUpdate is true then the RenderingLayers are always regenerated (otherwise RenderingLayers are regenerated only when this is required because the changes require that).
Public eventGpuDeviceCreated Called after the GpuDevice object was created. If device creation has failed, then GpuDeviceCreationFailed event is triggered.
Public eventGpuDeviceCreationFailed Called when the device creation has failed. User can set the IsHandled property to true to prevent showing error text that is shown by SharpEngineSceneView.
Public eventPresentationTypeChanged Called when the selected PresentationType is not supported and was changed to a fallback PresentationType. The event parameter may provide some additional information about the reason for change.
Public eventSceneRendered Called after the scene has been rendered.
Public eventSceneUpdating Called when the scene is being updated and before it is rendered.
Public eventSceneViewInitialized Called after the SceneView object have been initialized (have a valid view size and the back buffers were created).
Public eventViewSizeChanged Called when the size of the rendering area is changed. The event is also called after the back buffers are initialized for the first time.
See Also