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VulkanInstance Class

A VulkanInstance is an object is an object that is used to get the available Vulkan API version, enumerate the available physical devices and create a VulkanDevice. There is usually only one VulkanInstance per application. A VulkanInstance can be created by using Create(EngineCreateOptions) method. But usually it is created when creating a VulkanDevice method by calling VulkanDevice.Create method.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.Vulkan
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public class VulkanInstance : IDisposable

The VulkanInstance type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAllInstanceExtensionNames 
Public propertyStatic memberAllInstanceExtensions 
Public propertyAllPhysicalDeviceDetails 
Public propertyApiVersion 
Public propertyStatic memberDebugReportExt 
Public propertyStatic memberDebugUtilsExt 
Public propertyEnabledInstanceExtensionNames Gets an array of Instance extension names that are enabled for this Vulkan Instance. To quickly check if an extension is enabled, you can also check the EnabledInstanceExtensions property (note that this does not include all extensions but only extensions that are supported by SharpEngine).
Public propertyEnabledInstanceExtensions Gets a SupportedInstanceExtensions that can be used to quickly check which Instance Extensions are enabled on this Vulkan Instance. This value can include only extension names that are supported by SharpEngine (and defined in SupportedInstanceExtensions enum). This value includes also extensions that are promoted to the current Vulkan API (and are not explicitly specified in the EnabledInstanceExtensionNames array). To get an array of all enabled extensions see the EnabledInstanceExtensionNames.
Public propertyStatic memberFirstVulkanInstance FirstVulkanInstance is a static instance of the first VulkanInstance object that is created. It is used when creating an instance of VulkanDevice object.
Public propertyInstance 
Public propertyIsAdditionalValidationEnabled Gets a Boolean that specifies if the additional validations that are specified by the AdditionalValidationFeatures array are enabled.
Public propertyIsDebugReportExtensionEnabled 
Public propertyIsDebugUtilsExtensionEnabled 
Public propertyIsDisposed 
Public propertyIsStandardValidationEnabled 
Public propertyIsVulkanSurfaceSupported 
Public propertyStatic memberKhrSurfaceExt 
Public propertyStatic memberWin32SurfaceExt 
See Also