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TextureMapTypes Enumeration

TextureMapTypes enum define possible types of texture maps. The enum is used by the TextureMapInfo class.

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Materials
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public enum TextureMapTypes
Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 Unknown
DiffuseColor1 Diffuse color
SpecularColor2 Specular color
NormalMap3 Normal map that specified normal adjustment vector.
Height4 Height map that specified normal adjustment vector.
ReflectionMap5 Reflection map that specifies which part or the object reflects the EnvironmentCubeMap
EnvironmentCubeMap6 Environment as a CubeMap
Albedo7 Albedo for PBR (Physically-based rendering)
BaseColor8 Base color for PBR (Physically-based rendering)
Metalness9 Metalness for PBR (Physically-based rendering)
SpecularF010 Specular F0 for PBR (Physically-based rendering)
Roughness11 Roughness for PBR (Physically-based rendering)
Glossiness12 Glossiness for PBR (Physically-based rendering)
AmbientOcclusion13 Baked Ambient occlusion
Emissive14 Emissive
Cavity15 Cavity (not supported)
Transparency16 Transparency (not supported)
MetalnessRoughness17 Texture that is used for PBR (Physically-based rendering) and stores both Metalness (as blue channel) and Roughness (as green channel) (in BGRA format). This is commonly used by gtTF when there is no ambient occlusion data.
RoughnessMetalness18 Texture that is used for PBR (Physically-based rendering) and stores both Roughness (as blue channel) and Metalness (as green channel) (in BGRA format).
OcclusionRoughnessMetalness19 Texture that is used for PBR (Physically-based rendering) and stores all Metalness (as blue channel), Roughness (as green channel) and AmbientOcclusion (as red channel) (in BGRA format). This is commonly used by gtTF
See Also