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PositionColoredLineMaterial Class

PositionColoredLineMaterial is a LineMaterial that contains additional properties that can be used to render 3D lines with different start and end colors.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Materials
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class PositionColoredLineMaterial : LineMaterial, 
	IVertexColorMaterial, ITransparentMaterial

The PositionColoredLineMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public methodPositionColoredLineMaterial Constructor
Public propertyCreateDynamicBuffer Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if a dynamic vertex buffer will be created from the PositionColors array. This can be used in case when the colors change very often.
Public propertyHasTransparency Gets a boolean that specifies if this material is semi-transparent and needs to be alpha blended with the scene.
Public propertyPositionColors Gets or sets the Color4 array that specifies the colors for each position of the object.
Public propertyVertexColorsVertexBufferBinding Gets a VertexBufferBinding for an array of Color4 values where each value represents a color of one position.
Public methodGetDefaultRenderingQueue Returns the RenderingQueue that should be used to render this material.
(Overrides LineMaterialGetDefaultRenderingQueue(DXScene))
Public methodToString ToString
(Overrides LineMaterialToString)
Public methodUpdate Update method updates the DirectX vertex buffer from the current values of PositionColors.
See Also