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HiddenLineMaterial Class

HiddenLineMaterial defines properties for 3D lines that will be rendered only in parts that should be hidden - line parts that are behind other 3D objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Materials
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class HiddenLineMaterial : Material, 
	ILineMaterial, IPolyLine, ILinePattern, IHiddenLineMaterial

The HiddenLineMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public methodHiddenLineMaterial Constructor
Public methodHiddenLineMaterial(Color4, Single) Constructor
Public propertyDepthBias Gets a float that specifies a bias that is used when doing a depth test. A bias is a value that specifies how much the line is moved closer to the camera. The value is specified in world coordinates. When camera is farther away from the object, then a bigger DepthBias is needed.
Public propertyDynamicDepthBiasFactor When DynamicDepthBiasFactor is bigger then 0 then this factor is multiplied by the distance of the position to the camera and this is then multiplied by the DepthBias. This can be used to correctly set the depth bias for objects that are close (require small depth bias) to the camera and to the objects that are far away from the camera (require big depth bias). Recommended values are: DepthBias: 0.1, DynamicDepthBiasFactor: 0.02; or LineDepthBias: 0.002, LineDynamicBiasFactor: 1. For backwards compatibility the default value is 0.
Public propertyIsPolyLine Gets a Boolean that specifies if the line segments are rendered as polyline with connected segments (when true), or disconnected segments (when false).
Public propertyIsRenderingOnlyHiddenLines Gets a boolean that specifies if line with this material will be rendered when it is in front of other 3D objects (IsRenderingOnlyHiddenLines is false), or when the line is hidden - is behind other 3D objects (IsRenderingOnlyHiddenLines is true)
Public propertyLineColor Gets the color of the line.
Public propertyLinePattern Gets the 16 bit int value that defines the line pattern - if bit is 1 then line is drawn, when 0 line is not drawn. For example value 0xFFFF means full line without any dots or dashes. Value 0x5555 means line with dots - one full dot follows one empty dot.
Public propertyLinePatternOffset Gets a pattern offset. This value is usually between 0 and 1 - 0 value means no offset, 1 means offset for the whole patter which is the same as no offset. Value 0.1 means that the line will begin with the pattern advanced by 10%.
Public propertyLinePatternScale Gets the pattern scale factor. Value 1 does not scale the pattern. Values bigger then 1 increase the pattern length; values smaller then 1 decrease the pattern length (making it more dense).
Public propertyLineThickness Gets the thickness of the line in screen space units.
Public propertyMiterLimit Gets a value that defines at which line thickness the mitered (sharp) line joint is converted into beveled (square) line joint. For example, a value of 4 requires the mitered joint length to be 4 times the line thickness before the joint becomes beveled. MiterLimit is used only when IsPolyLine is set to true.
Public methodGetDefaultRenderingQueue Returns the RenderingQueue that should be used to render this material.
(Overrides MaterialGetDefaultRenderingQueue(DXScene))
Public methodToString ToString
(Overrides MaterialToString)
See Also