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XRayMaterial Class

XRayMaterial can be used to render the 3D object as as it would be photographed by an x-ray.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Materials
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class XRayMaterial : Material, 
	ITwoSidedMaterial, ITransparentMaterial, IZBufferStateMaterial

The XRayMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlpha Gets or sets a float value that defines the alpha value for the material.
Public propertyDiffuseColor Gets or sets a Color3 that specifies the diffuse color of this material.
Public propertyFalloff The Falloff value can change how fast the triangles become transparent. Default value is 1.
Public propertyHasTransparency Gets a boolean that specifies if this material is semi-transparent and needs to be alpha blended with the scene.
Public propertyIsTwoSided Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the material should be rendered on both front and back side. Default value is false.
Public propertyReadZBuffer Gets a Boolean that specifies if Z buffer is read when rendering the object - if the depth test is done when rendering the object. If false then the object is rendered regardless of its depth - if is rendered even if it is behind some other 3D objects.
Public propertyWriteZBuffer Gets a Boolean that specifies if Z buffer is written when rendering the object - if the object can occlude other 3D objects. If true then the objects behind the object will not be rendered. If false the object will not prevent rendering objects behind it.
Public methodToString ToString
(Overrides MaterialToString)
See Also