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LineCapMaterial Class

LineCapMaterial is used to render a line cap. This materials should be created internally by the DXEngine and should not be used by the user.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Materials
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class LineCapMaterial : Material, 

The LineCapMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public methodLineCapMaterial Constructor
Public propertyCapLength CapLength
Public propertyDepthBias Gets a float that specifies a bias that is used when doing a depth test. A bias is a value that specifies how much the line is moved closer to the camera. The value is specified in world coordinates. When camera is farther away from the object, then a bigger DepthBias is needed.
Public propertyDynamicDepthBiasFactor When DynamicDepthBiasFactor is bigger then 0 then this factor is multiplied by the distance of the position to the camera and this is then multiplied by the DepthBias. This can be used to correctly set the depth bias for objects that are close (require small depth bias) to the camera and to the objects that are far away from the camera (require big depth bias). Recommended values are: DepthBias: 0.1, DynamicDepthBiasFactor: 0.02; or LineDepthBias: 0.002, LineDynamicBiasFactor: 1. For backwards compatibility the default value is 0.
Public propertyHalfCapThickness HalfCapThickness
Public propertyLineColor Gets the color of the line.
Public propertyLineThickness Gets the thickness of the line in screen space units.
Public methodGetDefaultRenderingQueue Returns the RenderingQueue that should be used to render this material.
(Overrides MaterialGetDefaultRenderingQueue(DXScene))
Public methodToString ToString
(Overrides MaterialToString)
Public methodUpdateCapThicknessAndLength UpdateCapThicknessAndLength
Public fieldCapOffsets CapOffsets
Public fieldEndPositionOffset EndPositionOffset
Public fieldLineCap LineCap
Public fieldLineMaterial LineMaterial
Public fieldMaxLineArrowLength MaxLineArrowLength
Public fieldMinLineArrowLength MinLineArrowLength
Public fieldStartPositionOffset StartPositionOffset
See Also