Member name | Value | Description |
ApplicationInfo | 0 | |
InstanceCreateInfo | 1 | |
DeviceQueueCreateInfo | 2 | |
DeviceCreateInfo | 3 | |
SubmitInfo | 4 | |
MemoryAllocateInfo | 5 | |
MappedMemoryRange | 6 | |
BindSparseInfo | 7 | |
FenceCreateInfo | 8 | |
SemaphoreCreateInfo | 9 | |
EventCreateInfo | 10 | |
QueryPoolCreateInfo | 11 | |
BufferCreateInfo | 12 | |
BufferViewCreateInfo | 13 | |
ImageCreateInfo | 14 | |
ImageViewCreateInfo | 15 | |
ShaderModuleCreateInfo | 16 | |
PipelineCacheCreateInfo | 17 | |
PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo | 18 | |
PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo | 19 | |
PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo | 20 | |
PipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo | 21 | |
PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo | 22 | |
PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo | 23 | |
PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo | 24 | |
PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo | 25 | |
PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo | 26 | |
PipelineDynamicStateCreateInfo | 27 | |
GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo | 28 | |
ComputePipelineCreateInfo | 29 | |
PipelineLayoutCreateInfo | 30 | |
SamplerCreateInfo | 31 | |
DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo | 32 | |
DescriptorPoolCreateInfo | 33 | |
DescriptorSetAllocateInfo | 34 | |
WriteDescriptorSet | 35 | |
CopyDescriptorSet | 36 | |
FramebufferCreateInfo | 37 | |
RenderPassCreateInfo | 38 | |
CommandPoolCreateInfo | 39 | |
CommandBufferAllocateInfo | 40 | |
CommandBufferInheritanceInfo | 41 | |
CommandBufferBeginInfo | 42 | |
RenderPassBeginInfo | 43 | |
BufferMemoryBarrier | 44 | |
ImageMemoryBarrier | 45 | |
MemoryBarrier | 46 | |
LoaderInstanceCreateInfo | 47 | Reserved for internal use by the loader, layers, and ICDs |
LoaderDeviceCreateInfo | 48 | Reserved for internal use by the loader, layers, and ICDs |
PhysicalDeviceVulkan11Features | 49 | |
PhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties | 50 | |
PhysicalDeviceVulkan12Features | 51 | |
PhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties | 52 | |
PhysicalDeviceVulkan13Features | 53 | |
PhysicalDeviceVulkan13Properties | 54 | |
SwapchainCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,001,000 | |
PresentInfoKhr | 1,000,001,001 | |
DisplayModeCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,002,000 | |
DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,002,001 | |
DisplayPresentInfoKhr | 1,000,003,000 | |
XlibSurfaceCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,004,000 | |
XcbSurfaceCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,005,000 | |
WaylandSurfaceCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,006,000 | |
AndroidSurfaceCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,008,000 | |
Win32SurfaceCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,009,000 | |
DebugReportCallbackCreateInfoExt | 1,000,011,000 | |
DebugReportCreateInfoExt | 1,000,011,000 | |
DebugMarkerObjectNameInfoExt | 1,000,022,000 | |
DebugMarkerObjectTagInfoExt | 1,000,022,001 | |
DebugMarkerMarkerInfoExt | 1,000,022,002 | |
RenderingInfo | 1,000,044,000 | |
RenderingAttachmentInfo | 1,000,044,001 | |
PipelineRenderingCreateInfo | 1,000,044,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceDynamicRenderingFeatures | 1,000,044,003 | |
CommandBufferInheritanceRenderingInfo | 1,000,044,004 | |
RenderPassMultiviewCreateInfo | 1,000,053,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceMultiviewFeatures | 1,000,053,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties | 1,000,053,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceFeatures2Khr | 1,000,059,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceFeatures2 | 1,000,059,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceProperties2Khr | 1,000,059,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceProperties2 | 1,000,059,001 | |
FormatProperties2Khr | 1,000,059,002 | |
FormatProperties2 | 1,000,059,002 | |
ImageFormatProperties2Khr | 1,000,059,003 | |
ImageFormatProperties2 | 1,000,059,003 | |
PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2Khr | 1,000,059,004 | |
PhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2 | 1,000,059,004 | |
QueueFamilyProperties2Khr | 1,000,059,005 | |
QueueFamilyProperties2 | 1,000,059,005 | |
PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2Khr | 1,000,059,006 | |
PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2 | 1,000,059,006 | |
SparseImageFormatProperties2Khr | 1,000,059,007 | |
SparseImageFormatProperties2 | 1,000,059,007 | |
PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2Khr | 1,000,059,008 | |
PhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatInfo2 | 1,000,059,008 | |
DeviceGroupRenderPassBeginInfo | 1,000,060,003 | |
DeviceGroupCommandBufferBeginInfo | 1,000,060,004 | |
DeviceGroupSubmitInfo | 1,000,060,005 | |
DeviceGroupBindSparseInfo | 1,000,060,006 | |
DeviceGroupPresentCapabilitiesKhr | 1,000,060,007 | |
ImageSwapchainCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,060,008 | |
BindImageMemorySwapchainInfoKhr | 1,000,060,009 | |
AcquireNextImageInfoKhr | 1,000,060,010 | |
DeviceGroupPresentInfoKhr | 1,000,060,011 | |
DeviceGroupSwapchainCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,060,012 | |
BindBufferMemoryDeviceGroupInfo | 1,000,060,013 | |
BindImageMemoryDeviceGroupInfo | 1,000,060,014 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParametersFeatures | 1,000,063,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderDrawParameterFeatures | 1,000,063,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionAstcHdrFeatures | 1,000,066,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceGroupProperties | 1,000,070,000 | |
DeviceGroupDeviceCreateInfo | 1,000,070,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfoKhr | 1,000,071,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatInfo | 1,000,071,000 | |
ExternalImageFormatPropertiesKhr | 1,000,071,001 | |
ExternalImageFormatProperties | 1,000,071,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfoKhr | 1,000,071,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalBufferInfo | 1,000,071,002 | |
ExternalBufferPropertiesKhr | 1,000,071,003 | |
ExternalBufferProperties | 1,000,071,003 | |
PhysicalDeviceIdPropertiesKhr | 1,000,071,004 | |
PhysicalDeviceIdProperties | 1,000,071,004 | |
ExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo | 1,000,072,000 | |
ExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo | 1,000,072,001 | |
ExportMemoryAllocateInfo | 1,000,072,002 | |
ImportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKhr | 1,000,073,000 | |
ExportMemoryWin32HandleInfoKhr | 1,000,073,001 | |
MemoryWin32HandlePropertiesKhr | 1,000,073,002 | |
MemoryGetWin32HandleInfoKhr | 1,000,073,003 | |
ImportMemoryFdInfoKhr | 1,000,074,000 | |
MemoryFdPropertiesKhr | 1,000,074,001 | |
MemoryGetFdInfoKhr | 1,000,074,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfoKhr | 1,000,076,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreInfo | 1,000,076,000 | |
ExternalSemaphorePropertiesKhr | 1,000,076,001 | |
ExternalSemaphoreProperties | 1,000,076,001 | |
ExportSemaphoreCreateInfoKhr | 1,000,077,000 | |
ExportSemaphoreCreateInfo | 1,000,077,000 | |
ImportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKhr | 1,000,078,000 | |
ExportSemaphoreWin32HandleInfoKhr | 1,000,078,001 | |
D3D12FenceSubmitInfoKhr | 1,000,078,002 | |
SemaphoreGetWin32HandleInfoKhr | 1,000,078,003 | |
ImportSemaphoreFdInfoKhr | 1,000,079,000 | |
SemaphoreGetFdInfoKhr | 1,000,079,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderFloat16Int8Features | 1,000,082,000 | |
PhysicalDevice16BitStorageFeatures | 1,000,083,000 | |
DescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo | 1,000,085,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties | 1,000,094,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceImagelessFramebufferFeatures | 1,000,108,000 | |
FramebufferAttachmentsCreateInfo | 1,000,108,001 | |
FramebufferAttachmentImageInfo | 1,000,108,002 | |
RenderPassAttachmentBeginInfo | 1,000,108,003 | |
AttachmentDescription2 | 1,000,109,000 | |
AttachmentReference2 | 1,000,109,001 | |
SubpassDescription2 | 1,000,109,002 | |
SubpassDependency2 | 1,000,109,003 | |
RenderPassCreateInfo2 | 1,000,109,004 | |
SubpassBeginInfo | 1,000,109,005 | |
SubpassEndInfo | 1,000,109,006 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalFenceInfo | 1,000,112,000 | |
ExternalFenceProperties | 1,000,112,001 | |
ExportFenceCreateInfo | 1,000,113,000 | |
PhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties | 1,000,117,000 | |
RenderPassInputAttachmentAspectCreateInfo | 1,000,117,001 | |
ImageViewUsageCreateInfo | 1,000,117,002 | |
PipelineTessellationDomainOriginStateCreateInfo | 1,000,117,003 | |
PhysicalDeviceVariablePointersFeatures | 1,000,120,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceVariablePointerFeatures | 1,000,120,000 | |
IosSurfaceCreateInfoMvk | 1,000,122,000 | |
MemoryDedicatedRequirements | 1,000,127,000 | |
MemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo | 1,000,127,001 | |
DebugUtilsObjectNameInfoExt | 1,000,128,000 | |
DebugUtilsObjectTagInfoExt | 1,000,128,001 | |
DebugUtilsLabelExt | 1,000,128,002 | |
DebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataExt | 1,000,128,003 | |
DebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoExt | 1,000,128,004 | |
PhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties | 1,000,130,000 | |
SamplerReductionModeCreateInfo | 1,000,130,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockFeatures | 1,000,138,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties | 1,000,138,001 | |
WriteDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlock | 1,000,138,002 | |
DescriptorPoolInlineUniformBlockCreateInfo | 1,000,138,003 | |
ProtectedSubmitInfo | 1,000,145,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryFeatures | 1,000,145,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties | 1,000,145,002 | |
DeviceQueueInfo2 | 1,000,145,003 | |
BufferMemoryRequirementsInfo2 | 1,000,146,000 | |
ImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2 | 1,000,146,001 | |
ImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2 | 1,000,146,002 | |
MemoryRequirements2 | 1,000,146,003 | |
SparseImageMemoryRequirements2 | 1,000,146,004 | |
ImageFormatListCreateInfo | 1,000,147,000 | |
SamplerYcbcrConversionCreateInfo | 1,000,156,000 | |
SamplerYcbcrConversionInfo | 1,000,156,001 | |
BindImagePlaneMemoryInfo | 1,000,156,002 | |
ImagePlaneMemoryRequirementsInfo | 1,000,156,003 | |
PhysicalDeviceSamplerYcbcrConversionFeatures | 1,000,156,004 | |
SamplerYcbcrConversionImageFormatProperties | 1,000,156,005 | |
BindBufferMemoryInfo | 1,000,157,000 | |
BindImageMemoryInfo | 1,000,157,001 | |
DescriptorSetLayoutBindingCreateInfo | 1,000,161,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures | 1,000,161,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties | 1,000,161,002 | |
DescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountAllocateInfo | 1,000,161,003 | |
DescriptorSetVariableDescriptorCountLayoutSupport | 1,000,161,004 | |
PhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties | 1,000,168,000 | |
DescriptorSetLayoutSupport | 1,000,168,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderSubgroupExtendedTypesFeatures | 1,000,175,000 | |
PhysicalDevice8BitStorageFeatures | 1,000,177,000 | |
ImportMemoryHostPointerInfoExt | 1,000,178,000 | |
MemoryHostPointerPropertiesExt | 1,000,178,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesExt | 1,000,178,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderAtomicInt64Features | 1,000,180,000 | |
PipelineCreationFeedbackCreateInfo | 1,000,192,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceDriverProperties | 1,000,196,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties | 1,000,197,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties | 1,000,199,000 | |
SubpassDescriptionDepthStencilResolve | 1,000,199,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures | 1,000,207,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties | 1,000,207,001 | |
SemaphoreTypeCreateInfo | 1,000,207,002 | |
TimelineSemaphoreSubmitInfo | 1,000,207,003 | |
SemaphoreWaitInfo | 1,000,207,004 | |
SemaphoreSignalInfo | 1,000,207,005 | |
PhysicalDeviceVulkanMemoryModelFeatures | 1,000,211,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderTerminateInvocationFeatures | 1,000,215,000 | |
MetalSurfaceCreateInfoExt | 1,000,217,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceScalarBlockLayoutFeatures | 1,000,221,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties | 1,000,225,000 | |
PipelineShaderStageRequiredSubgroupSizeCreateInfo | 1,000,225,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlFeatures | 1,000,225,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceSeparateDepthStencilLayoutsFeatures | 1,000,241,000 | |
AttachmentReferenceStencilLayout | 1,000,241,001 | |
AttachmentDescriptionStencilLayout | 1,000,241,002 | |
BufferDeviceAddressInfo | 1,000,244,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceToolProperties | 1,000,245,000 | |
ImageStencilUsageCreateInfo | 1,000,246,000 | |
ValidationFeaturesExt | 1,000,247,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceUniformBufferStandardLayoutFeatures | 1,000,253,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceBufferDeviceAddressFeatures | 1,000,257,000 | |
BufferOpaqueCaptureAddressCreateInfo | 1,000,257,002 | |
MemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressAllocateInfo | 1,000,257,003 | |
DeviceMemoryOpaqueCaptureAddressInfo | 1,000,257,004 | |
PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationFeaturesExt | 1,000,259,000 | |
PipelineRasterizationLineStateCreateInfoExt | 1,000,259,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesExt | 1,000,259,002 | |
PhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures | 1,000,261,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderDemoteToHelperInvocationFeatures | 1,000,276,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductFeatures | 1,000,280,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceShaderIntegerDotProductProperties | 1,000,280,001 | |
PhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties | 1,000,281,001 | |
PhysicalDevicePrivateDataFeatures | 1,000,295,000 | |
DevicePrivateDataCreateInfo | 1,000,295,001 | |
PrivateDataSlotCreateInfo | 1,000,295,002 | |
PhysicalDevicePipelineCreationCacheControlFeatures | 1,000,297,000 | |
MemoryBarrier2 | 1,000,314,000 | |
BufferMemoryBarrier2 | 1,000,314,001 | |
ImageMemoryBarrier2 | 1,000,314,002 | |
DependencyInfo | 1,000,314,003 | |
SubmitInfo2 | 1,000,314,004 | |
SemaphoreSubmitInfo | 1,000,314,005 | |
CommandBufferSubmitInfo | 1,000,314,006 | |
PhysicalDeviceSynchronization2Features | 1,000,314,007 | |
PhysicalDeviceZeroInitializeWorkgroupMemoryFeatures | 1,000,325,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceImageRobustnessFeatures | 1,000,335,000 | |
CopyBufferInfo2 | 1,000,337,000 | |
CopyImageInfo2 | 1,000,337,001 | |
CopyBufferToImageInfo2 | 1,000,337,002 | |
CopyImageToBufferInfo2 | 1,000,337,003 | |
BlitImageInfo2 | 1,000,337,004 | |
ResolveImageInfo2 | 1,000,337,005 | |
BufferCopy2 | 1,000,337,006 | |
ImageCopy2 | 1,000,337,007 | |
ImageBlit2 | 1,000,337,008 | |
BufferImageCopy2 | 1,000,337,009 | |
ImageResolve2 | 1,000,337,010 | |
DirectfbSurfaceCreateInfoExt | 1,000,346,000 | |
FormatProperties3 | 1,000,360,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Features | 1,000,413,000 | |
PhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties | 1,000,413,001 | |
DeviceBufferMemoryRequirements | 1,000,413,002 | |
DeviceImageMemoryRequirements | 1,000,413,003 | |