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AccessFlags Enumeration

Namespace: Ab4d.Vulkan
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public enum AccessFlags
Member nameValueDescription
IndirectCommandRead1Controls coherency of indirect command reads
IndexRead2Controls coherency of index reads
VertexAttributeRead4Controls coherency of vertex attribute reads
UniformRead8Controls coherency of uniform buffer reads
InputAttachmentRead16Controls coherency of input attachment reads
ShaderRead32Controls coherency of shader reads
ShaderWrite64Controls coherency of shader writes
ColorAttachmentRead128Controls coherency of color attachment reads
ColorAttachmentWrite256Controls coherency of color attachment writes
DepthStencilAttachmentRead512Controls coherency of depth/stencil attachment reads
DepthStencilAttachmentWrite1,024Controls coherency of depth/stencil attachment writes
TransferRead2,048Controls coherency of transfer reads
TransferWrite4,096Controls coherency of transfer writes
HostRead8,192Controls coherency of host reads
HostWrite16,384Controls coherency of host writes
MemoryRead32,768Controls coherency of memory reads
MemoryWrite65,536Controls coherency of memory writes
See Also