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MeshUtils Class

MeshUtils provides static helper methods for working with 3D meshes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Utilities
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf (in Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048
public static class MeshUtils

The MeshUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCalculateNormals(PositionNormalTexture, Int32, Boolean) CalculateNormals method calculates normals for the specified vertexBuffer (PositionNormalTexture array) and triangle indices array. Normal values are written to the vertexBuffer.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateNormals(Vector3, Int32, Boolean) CalculateNormals method calculates normals for the specified positions and and triangle indices arrays.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateNormals(PositionNormalTexture, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) CalculateNormals method calculates normals for the specified vertexBuffer (PositionNormalTexture array) and triangle indices array. Normal values are written to the vertexBuffer.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateNormals(Vector3, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean) CalculateNormals method calculates normals for the specified positions and and triangle indices arrays.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateNormals(Vector3, Int32, Vector3, Int32, Int32, Boolean) CalculateNormals method calculates normals for the specified positions and and triangle indices arrays. Normal values are written to the specified normals array.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTangentVectors(MeshGeometry3D) CalculateTangentVectors returns a Vector3 array that represents tangent vectors calculated from MeshGeometry3D.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTangentVectors(Vector3, Vector3, Vector2, Int32) CalculateTangentVectors returns a Vector3 array that represents tangent vectors calculated from specified mesh data.
See Also