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Ab3d.DirectX.Utilities Namespace

Public classBaseEventSource3D Base class for all EventSource3D classes.
Public classDXEventManager3D DXEventManager3D class is a enables subscribing to mouse and touch events on 3D objects rendered with DXEngine. The class is using Hit testing provided by DXEngine and not WPF's hit testing that is used by the EventManager3D provided by the Ab3d.PowerToys library.
Public classMeshCollider MeshCollider can be used to test collision between mesh and a 3D position, Rect3D, BoundingBox or another mesh. See remarks for more info.
Public classMeshUtils MeshUtils provides static helper methods for working with 3D meshes.
Public classModelEventSource3D ModelEventSource3D class is used to register a Model3D object to the DXEventManager3D.
Public classSceneNodeEventSource3D SceneNodeEventSource3D class is used to register a SceneNode object to the DXEventManager3D.
Public classVisualEventSource3D VisualEventSource3D class is used to register a Visual3D object to the DXEventManager3D.