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StandardPostProcess Class

StandardPostProcess class is a base abstract class for all post process effects that are created by rendering a full screen quad (rectangle with two triangles) and have the post process logic in fragment shader that is defined by the derived classes. The StandardPostProcess by default uses a standard vertex shader that prepares the quad for the pixel shader.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.PostProcessing
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 3.0.9196+3eba290aba85a9aa739abf2459bc51e303a050d7
public abstract class StandardPostProcess : PostProcessBase

The StandardPostProcess type exposes the following members.

Protected methodStandardPostProcess Initializes a new instance of the ComponentBase class.
Public propertyClearColor 
Public propertyClearTargetTexture 
Public propertyIsFullScreenPostProcess Gets true when the PostProcess is rendering the whole screen.
Public propertyViewportOffset Gets the offset of the viewport. Viewport defines a part of the screen that will be affected by this PostProcess. The coordinates are defined in relative screen positions (from 0 to 1). By default, ViewportOffset is set to (0, 0) and ViewportSize is set to (1, 1) - this defines the whole screen. This value can be changed by calling ChangeViewport(Single, Single, Single, Single) method.
Public propertyViewportSize Gets the size of the viewport. Viewport defines a part of the screen that will be affected by this PostProcess. The coordinates are defined in relative screen positions (from 0 to 1). By default, ViewportOffset is set to (0, 0) and ViewportSize is set to (1, 1) - this defines the whole screen. This value can be changed by calling ChangeViewport(Single, Single, Single, Single) method.
Protected methodBindDescriptorSets 
Public methodChangeViewport ChangeViewport changes the viewport, that defines a part of the screen that will be affected by this PostProcess. The coordinates are defined in relative screen positions (from 0 to 1). By default, ViewportOffset is set to (0, 0) and ViewportSize is set to (1, 1) - this defines the whole screen.
Protected methodCreatePipeline 
Protected methodCreateQuad Creates the SimpleMesh that defines the full screen quad.
Protected methodCreateRenderPass 
Protected methodCustomBindAction 
Protected methodDispose Releases unmanaged and managed resources (when disposing is true). This method may be called only from the CheckAndDispose(Boolean) method and must not be called manually by the user.
(Overrides ComponentBaseDispose(Boolean))
Protected methodGetFragmentPushConstantsSize GetFragmentPushConstantsSize can be overriden to provide the size in bytes of the push constants in fragment shader.
Protected methodGetFragmentShader 
Protected methodGetInputTextureSampler 
Protected methodGetPipelineLayout 
Protected methodGetVertexShader 
Public methodRender Render renders the post process
(Overrides PostProcessBaseRender(PostProcessRenderingContext))
See Also