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Ab4d.SharpEngine.PostProcessing Namespace

Public classDownSamplePostProcess DownSampleWithFilerPostProcess is a post process that can down-sample a bigger texture to a smaller texture. By default, it uses the RotatedFilterSize5 filter that produces better results but this is slower than no filter.
Public classPostProcessBase PostProcessBase is a base class for all post processes in Ab4d.SharpEngine. This class is initialized (InitializeResources(SceneView) is called) when this PostProcess is added to SceneView.PostProcesses collection. The derived class must override the Render(PostProcessRenderingContext) method. The resources can be created in the overriden OnInitializeResources(SceneView, VulkanDevice) methods.
Public classPostProcessRenderingContext 
Public classSimpleFragmentShaderPostProcess 
Public classStandardPostProcess StandardPostProcess class is a base abstract class for all post process effects that are created by rendering a full screen quad (rectangle with two triangles) and have the post process logic in fragment shader that is defined by the derived classes. The StandardPostProcess by default uses a standard vertex shader that prepares the quad for the pixel shader.