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PostProcessBase Class

PostProcessBase is a base class for all post processes in Ab4d.SharpEngine. This class is initialized (InitializeResources(SceneView) is called) when this PostProcess is added to SceneView.PostProcesses collection. The derived class must override the Render(PostProcessRenderingContext) method. The resources can be created in the overriden OnInitializeResources(SceneView, VulkanDevice) methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.PostProcessing
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 3.0.9196+3eba290aba85a9aa739abf2459bc51e303a050d7
public abstract class PostProcessBase : ComponentBase

The PostProcessBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodPostProcessBase Initializes a new instance of the ComponentBase class.
Public propertyIsInitialized Gets a Boolean that specifies if this PostProcess was already added to a SceneView (SceneView is not null).
Public propertySceneView Gets the SceneView to where that PostProcess was added to.
Protected methodCheckIfInitialized 
Public methodDispose Dispose
Public methodInitializeResources Initializes this component. The specified scene must be initialized (has the GpuDevice property set). This method calls a virtual OnInitializeResources(SceneView, VulkanDevice) that can be used by a derived class to create the resources.
Protected methodOnInitializeResources Initializes resources with the specified SceneView and GpuDevice. This method can be overriden and is called from InitializeResources(SceneView) method.
Public methodRender Render renders the post process
See Also