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Ab4d.SharpEngine.Materials Namespace

Public classLineMaterial LineMaterial is a material that can be used to render 3D line.
Public classMaterial Material is a base abstract class that defines the common properties for all material objects.
Public classPixelMaterial PixelMaterial is a material that can be used to render 3D pixels.
Public classPolyLineMaterial PolyLineMaterial is a material that can be used to render poly-lines.
Public classPositionColoredLineMaterial PositionColoredLineMaterial is a LineMaterial that contains additional properties that can be used to render 3D lines with different start and end colors.
Public classSolidColorMaterial SolidColorMaterial is a material that is not shaded by lighting and is always rendered exactly as specified by the diffuse material properties. This means that positions and colors of the lights do not change the appearance. It is possible to create a texture by using CreateDiffuseTexture(RawImageData, CommonSamplerTypes, String, Single) method. To lazily load a texture use constructor that takes file name and IBitmapIO or call LoadDiffuseTexture(String, IBitmapIO, CommonSamplerTypes, Single, Boolean, Boolean) method. To immediately load the texture use the [!:StandardMaterialBase.LoadDiffuseTexture(Scene, string, Ab4d.SharpEngine.Common.IBitmapIO?, Ab4d.SharpEngine.Common.CommonSamplerTypes, float, bool)] or LoadDiffuseTexture(VulkanDevice, String, IBitmapIO, CommonSamplerTypes, Single, Boolean) methods.
Public classStandardMaterial StandardMaterial is a material that defines the standard properties to show the diffuse, specular and emissive material properties. It is possible to create a texture by using CreateDiffuseTexture(RawImageData, CommonSamplerTypes, String, Single) method. To lazily load a texture use constructor that takes file name, file stream or RawImageData. It is also possible to load texture by calling LoadDiffuseTexture method.
Public classStandardMaterialBase StandardMaterialBase is a bases class for StandardMaterial and SolidColorMaterial and provides common functionality for diffuse material and diffuse texture loading.
Public classStandardMaterials StandardMaterials class defines StandardMaterial for known colors.
Public classVertexColorMaterial VertexColorMaterial can be used to render 3D objects with specifying color for each of its position.
Public interfaceIDiffuseMaterial IDiffuseMaterial interface defines properties that define a material that reflect diffuse light.
Public interfaceIDiffuseTextureMaterial IDiffuseTextureMaterial interface defines properties that define a material with textures.
Public interfaceIEmissiveMaterial IEmissiveMaterial interface defines properties that define a material that emit the light in a specified color - the object is always in the EmissiveColor regardless of the lights.
Public interfaceILineMaterial ILineMaterial interface defines properties that define a line material - 3D object with this material will be rendered as wireframe.
Public interfaceILinePatternMaterial ILinePatternMaterial interface can be implemented by a Line material that support line patterns.
Public interfaceIPixelMaterial IPixelMaterial interface defines properties that define a pixel material.
Public interfaceIPolyLineMaterial IPolyLineMaterial interface is used by line materials that can define poly lines (connected line segments).
Public interfaceISpecularMaterial ISpecularMaterial interface defines properties that define specular properties of the material.
Public interfaceITransparentMaterial ITransparentMaterial interface defines HasTransparency property that specifies if this material need to be rendered with alpha blending enabled.
Public interfaceIVertexColorMaterial IVertexColorMaterial interface defines the VertexColorsVertexBufferBinding property that is used to specify vertex buffer that defines colors for each position.
Public interfaceIVertexScaleMaterial IVertexScaleMaterial interface defines the VertexScaleBuffer property that is used to specify vertex buffer that defines scales (as one float value) for each position.