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PolyLineMaterial Class

PolyLineMaterial is a material that can be used to render poly-lines.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.Materials
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public class PolyLineMaterial : Material, 
	ILineMaterial, IPolyLineMaterial

The PolyLineMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDepthBias Gets a float that specifies a bias that is used when doing a depth test. The value is subtracted from the depth value of the line. Subtracting the value moves the line closer to the camera. The depth values are in range from 0 (at the near camera plane) to 1 (at the far camera plane). Usually a 0.0005 is a good value for most of the cases.
Public propertyIsPolyLine Returns true. This specifies that the line with this material is always rendered as poly-line (with connected segments).
Public propertyLineColor Gets or sets the color of the line that is determined from the WpfModel material. Default color is black.
Public propertyLineThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the line in screen space units. This value is scaled with DPI scale factor. Default line thickness is 1.
Public propertyMiterLimit Gets or sets a value that defines at which line thickness the mitered (sharp) line joint is converted into beveled (square) line joint. For example, a value of 4 requires the mitered joint length to be 4 times the line thickness before the joint becomes beveled. MiterLimit is used only when IsPolyLine is set to true. Default value is set from static DefaultMiterLimit value (2 by default).
Public methodGetDetailsText GetDetailsText adds string that writes details about this Material into the specified StringBuilder.
(Overrides MaterialGetDetailsText(StringBuilder, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean))
Protected methodOnInitializeSceneResources Initializes resources with the specified Scene and GpuDevice. This method can be override and is called from InitializeSceneResources(Scene) method.
(Overrides MaterialOnInitializeSceneResources(Scene, VulkanDevice))
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultMiterLimit Miter limit value that is used when the MiterLimit is explicitly not specified.
See Also