Standard |
The StandardMaterial type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CreateClone | (Overrides MaterialCreateClone) | |
GetDetailsText |
GetDetailsText adds string that writes details about this Material into the specified StringBuilder.
(Overrides StandardMaterialBaseGetDetailsText(StringBuilder, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)) | |
OnInitializeSceneResources |
Initializes resources with the specified Scene and GpuDevice.
This method can be override and is called from InitializeSceneResources(Scene) method.
(Overrides StandardMaterialBaseOnInitializeSceneResources(Scene, VulkanDevice)) | |
SetOpacity | Sets Opacity and returns StandardMaterial so we can chain the calls to change material. This method can be used with materials defined in StandardMaterials class. | |
SetSpecular(Single) | Sets SpecularPower to the specified value and SpecularColor to White. Method returns StandardMaterial so we can chain the calls to change material. This method can be used with materials defined in StandardMaterials class. | |
SetSpecular(Color3, Single) | Sets SpecularColor and SpecularPower and returns StandardMaterial so we can chain the calls to change material. This method can be used with materials defined in StandardMaterials class. |