| Name | Description |
| CheckResult |
CheckResult method throws a VulkanException when result is not Success.
| Dump |
Dumps the formatted Matrix4x4 into the Visual Studio Output window
| DumpHierarchy |
Dumps the hierarchy of the GroupNode and its children.
| GetApiVersion | |
| GetDescription | |
| GetDeviceName | |
| GetExtensionName | |
| GetFormattedMatrixText |
Returns string from a Matrix4x4 in 4 column and 4 rows. It is possible to specify the indent text (the text that is displayed in the beginning of each line to text) and new line text (text that is used for new line).
| GetLayerName | |
| SetName(Buffer, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Silk.NET.Vulkan.Buffer so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(BufferView, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Silk.NET.Vulkan.BufferView so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(CommandBuffer, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the CommandBuffer so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(CommandPool, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the CommandPool so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(DescriptorPool, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the DescriptorPool so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(DescriptorSet, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the DescriptorSet so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(DescriptorSetLayout, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the DescriptorSetLayout so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(DescriptorUpdateTemplate, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the DescriptorUpdateTemplate so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Device, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Device so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(DeviceMemory, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the DeviceMemory so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Event, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Event so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Fence, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Fence so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Framebuffer, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Framebuffer so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Image, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Image so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(ImageView, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the ImageView so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Pipeline, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Pipeline so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(PipelineCache, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the PipelineCache so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(PipelineLayout, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the PipelineLayout so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(QueryPool, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the QueryPool so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Queue, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Queue so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(RenderPass, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the RenderPass so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Sampler, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Sampler so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(Semaphore, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the Silk.NET.Vulkan.Semaphore so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(ShaderModule, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the ShaderModule so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(SurfaceKHR, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the SurfaceKHR so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| SetName(SwapchainKHR, VulkanDevice, String) |
Sets the debug name of the SwapchainKHR so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
| ToColor3 |
Converts Color4 to Color3
| ToColor4(Color3) |
Converts Color3 to Color4
| ToColor4(Color3, Single) |
Converts Color3 with alpha (or opacity) to Color4