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Extensions Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public static class Extensions

The Extensions type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodCheckResult CheckResult method throws a VulkanException when result is not Success.
Public Extension MethodDump Dumps the formatted Matrix4x4 into the Visual Studio Output window
Public Extension MethodDumpHierarchy Dumps the hierarchy of the GroupNode and its children.
Public Extension MethodGetApiVersion 
Public Extension MethodGetDescription 
Public Extension MethodGetDeviceName 
Public Extension MethodGetExtensionName 
Public Extension MethodGetFormattedMatrixText Returns string from a Matrix4x4 in 4 column and 4 rows. It is possible to specify the indent text (the text that is displayed in the beginning of each line to text) and new line text (text that is used for new line).
Public Extension MethodGetLayerName 
Public Extension MethodSetName(Buffer, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Silk.NET.Vulkan.Buffer so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(BufferView, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Silk.NET.Vulkan.BufferView so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(CommandBuffer, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the CommandBuffer so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(CommandPool, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the CommandPool so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(DescriptorPool, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the DescriptorPool so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(DescriptorSet, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the DescriptorSet so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(DescriptorSetLayout, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the DescriptorSetLayout so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(DescriptorUpdateTemplate, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the DescriptorUpdateTemplate so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Device, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Device so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(DeviceMemory, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the DeviceMemory so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Event, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Event so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Fence, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Fence so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Framebuffer, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Framebuffer so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Image, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Image so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(ImageView, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the ImageView so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Pipeline, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Pipeline so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(PipelineCache, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the PipelineCache so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(PipelineLayout, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the PipelineLayout so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(QueryPool, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the QueryPool so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Queue, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Queue so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(RenderPass, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the RenderPass so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Sampler, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Sampler so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(Semaphore, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the Silk.NET.Vulkan.Semaphore so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(ShaderModule, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the ShaderModule so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(SurfaceKHR, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the SurfaceKHR so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodSetName(SwapchainKHR, VulkanDevice, String) Sets the debug name of the SwapchainKHR so that the name can be read in a graphics debugger.
Public Extension MethodToColor3 Converts Color4 to Color3
Public Extension MethodToColor4(Color3) Converts Color3 to Color4
Public Extension MethodToColor4(Color3, Single) Converts Color3 with alpha (or opacity) to Color4
See Also