Scene Fields |
The Scene type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AllLightsDescriptorSetLayout | DescriptorSetLayout for all lights data | |
AllLightsDescriptorSets | All lights DescriptorSet | |
AllWorldMatricesDescriptorSetLayout | DescriptorSetLayout for matrices data | |
DefaultCoordinateSystem | Default coordinate system type: YUpRightHanded | |
RequireCommandBuffersRecodingDirtyFlagsBit | When this bit is set in the DirtyFlags, then command buffer needs to be recorded again. | |
RequireDisposeAllRenderingItemsFlagsBit | When this bit is set in the DirtyFlags, then all the RenderingItems need to be regenerated. | |
RequireRenderingLayersCreationDirtyFlagsBit | When this bit is set in the DirtyFlags, then the rendering layers need to be regenerated and command buffer needs to be recorded again. | |
RequireSceneNodeUpdateDirtyFlagsBit | When this bit is set in the DirtyFlags, then the Update method on all SceneNodes needs to be called. | |
SceneDescriptorSetLayout | DescriptorSetLayout for the Scene data | |
SceneDescriptorSets | Scene DescriptorSets | |
StandardFragmentShaderPushConstantsSize | StandardFragmentShaderPushConstantsSize defines the size of PushConstants used in fragment shader by the standard rendering process (push constant value defines the material index). This value is used when defining the PipelineLayout. | |
StandardVertexShaderPushConstantsSize | StandardVertexShaderPushConstantsSize defines the size of PushConstants used in vertex shader by the standard rendering process (push constant value defines the index of the object world matrix). This value is used when defining the PipelineLayout. |