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Effect Class

Effect is a base class for all effects that can render a mesh (vertex and index buffer) with the material that defines the properties that defined the effect.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public abstract class Effect : SharedDXDeviceResource

The Effect type exposes the following members.

Public propertyLastUsedFrameNumber Gets the frame number when the ApplyPerFrameSettings was last called.
Public propertyRequiredInputLayoutType Gets the input layout that is required to render this effect.
Public methodApplyMaterial Applies the material and object's world matrix to this effect.
Public methodApplyPerFrameSettings Sets per frame settings for this effect (this sets camera, lights and other per frame settings).
Public methodPreloadShaders PreloadShaders can be called to load the shaders in advance before they are used. Calling this method increases the startup time, but when the 3D object needs to be shown, it is shown faster because all the shaders have already been created.
Public methodResetLastUsedFrameNumber ResetLastUsedFrameNumber sets LastUsedFrameNumber to -1. This is used to prevent calling ApplyPerFrameSettings when this effect is used multiple times with different lights on one frame.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy