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PhysicallyBasedRenderingEffect Class

PhysicallyBasedRenderingEffect is an effect that can render materials defined with physically based rendering properties - e.g. base color, metalness, roughness, emissive map, normal map and ambient occlusion textures.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX.Effects
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
public class PhysicallyBasedRenderingEffect : Effect

The PhysicallyBasedRenderingEffect type exposes the following members.

Public methodPhysicallyBasedRenderingEffect Constructor
Public propertyRequiredInputLayoutType Gets the input layout that is required to render this effect.
(Overrides EffectRequiredInputLayoutType)
Public propertyShadowDepthBias Gets or sets a float value that offsets the depth of the lights (distance from the lights to the object) and can help reduce the show artifacts in the corners. The value that works best need to be set based on the size of the scene. Default value is 0 that does not apply any bias.
Public propertyShadowThreshold Gets or sets a float value that helps prevent light bleeding (having areas that should be in shadow fully illuminated) for variance shadow mapping.
Public propertyShadowTresholdObsolete.
Gets or sets a float value that helps prevent light bleeding (having areas that should be in shadow fully illuminated) for variance shadow mapping.
Public methodApplyMaterial Applies the material and object's world matrix to this effect.
(Overrides EffectApplyMaterial(Material, RenderablePrimitiveBase))
Public methodPreloadShaders PreloadShaders can be called to load the shaders in advance before they are used. Calling this method increases the startup time, but when the 3D object needs to be shown, it is shown faster because all the shaders have already been created.
(Overrides EffectPreloadShaders)
Public methodSetShadowMappingParameters SetShadowMappingParameters sets parameters needed for shadow mapping.
Public fieldStatic memberEffectName Effect name
See Also