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PhysicallyBasedMaterial Properties

The PhysicallyBasedMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAmbientOcclusionFactor Float value that defines a factor that is multiplied with the ambient occlusion texture (when specified). Default value is 1 which does not change the values in the texture. Default value is 1.
Public propertyBaseColor Color4 used for diffuse colors in non-metals ("dielectrics") or specular color in metals. When used with BaseColor texture, this color defines a color mask that is multiplied with each texture value. When alpha component is less then 1, then other color components need to be pre-multiplied by the alpha value. Default value is White.
Public propertyBlendState Gets a BlendState that is used to render the base texture. If null a Opaque or a PremultipliedAdditiveBlend (in case of transparency) will be used.
Public propertyEmissiveColor Gets or sets a Color3 that that represents the emissive color - the color of the object regardless of the lights.
Public propertyHasOnlyEmissiveColor Gets a Boolean that specifies if this material has only emissive color. This property is not used in PhysicallyBasedMaterial and always returns false.
Public propertyHasTransparency Gets a boolean that specifies if this material is semi-transparent and needs to be alpha blended with the scene.
Public propertyIsTwoSided Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the material should be rendered on both front and back side. Default value is false.
Public propertyMetalness Float value that specifies the amount of metalness - 0 for non-metal; 1 for raw metal. When used with Metalness texture, this value defines a mask that is multiplied with each texture value. Default value is 1.
Public propertyRoughness Float value that defines surface irregularities - 0 for totally flat surface; 1 for rough surface without any reflection. When used with Roughness texture, this value defines a mask that is multiplied with each texture value. Default value is 1.
Public propertyTextureMaps Gets a list of TextureMapInfo object that defines texture maps that should be rendered with this material.
See Also