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AssimpConverter Class

AssimpConverter class provides method that can convert native Assimp Scene object into Ab4d.SharpEngine objects.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.Assimp
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine.Assimp (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.Assimp.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public class AssimpConverter

The AssimpConverter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllMaterials Gets an array of all created StandardMaterials.
Public propertyAllMeshes Gets an array of all created meshes
Public propertyCalculateNormals Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if normals are calculated when they are not defined in the file. Default value is true.
Public propertyGenerateUniqueModelNames When true (by default) then unique object names are generated, e.g. when the objects from Assimp scene have the same name, the "__2", "__3", "__4", etc. suffixes added to the name (the first object does not have changed name).
Public propertyLoggerCallback Callback action that can be used to log Assimp and AssimpWpfConverter log messages
Public propertyNamedObjects Gets a dictionary that can be used to get a 3D object by its name (key = name, value = object)
Public propertyUseSimpleTriangulation Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if simple triangle fan triangulation is used instead of standard triangulation. This property is used only when the 3D model is not triangulated by assimp importer (when Triangulate PostProcessSteps is not used). Default value is false.
Protected methodCheckTextureFileName CheckTextureFileName checks the texture file name and if file does not exist or is not in supported file format tries to find another file that can be used instead. Returns the file name that can be used to create a texture. If no file can be found, null is returned. The method can be overridden.
Public methodConvertAssimpScene(AssimpScene, String, FuncString, Stream) ConvertAssimpScene converts the specified native Assimp Scene object and converts it into Ab4d.SharpEngine objects returning the root GroupNode object.
Public methodConvertAssimpScene(AssimpScene, String, String) ConvertAssimpScene converts the specified native Assimp Scene object and converts it into Ab4d.SharpEngine objects returning the root GroupNode object.
Protected methodCreateTexture CreateGpuTexture method creates a GpuTexture from texture file name and sets that to the specified material.
Protected fieldbitmapIO IBitmapIO
Protected fieldcurrentAssimpScene AssimpScene
Protected fieldgpuDevice VulkanDevice
Protected fieldscene Scene
Public fieldTextureLoader Specifies the used texture loader
See Also