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Ab4d.SharpEngine.Assimp Namespace

Ab4d.SharpEngine.Assimp namespace contains classes that are defined in Ab4d.SharpEngine.Assimp assembly.
Public classAssimpConverter AssimpConverter class provides method that can convert native Assimp Scene object into Ab4d.SharpEngine objects.
Public classAssimpExporter AssimpExporter provides information about supported export formats. The current version does not support exporting SharpEngine Scene objects. But it is possible to export and imported Assimp scene by using _assimpImporter.NativeAssimpScene.ExportScene method.
Public classAssimpImporter AssimpImporter can import 3D models from many 3D file formats into SceneNode objects for Ab4d.SharpEngine rendering engine.
Public structureAssimpFormatExtensions AssimpFormatExtensions struct provides file format name and possible file extensions.
Public delegateAssimpConverterTextureLoaderDelegate TextureLoaderDelegate delegate defines the method layout that loads the texture from the assimp data and sets the appropriate fields in the specified material.