| Name | Description |
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape. The base surface is defined by a polygon given as a sequence
of positions, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
using cylindrical projection.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape. The base surface is defined by a polygon given as a sequence
of positions, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from a 2D shape. The base surface is defined by sequence of positions and
triangle indices, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Int32, Vector2, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from multiple 2D shapes.
The base surface is defined by sequence of positions and
triangle indices, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.
| CreateExtrudedMesh(Vector2, Int32, Vector2, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, MeshFactoryExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean, String) |
Generate a mesh extruded from multiple 2D shapes.
The base surface is defined by sequence of positions and
triangle indices, and is extruded in the direction of the extrudeVector. The texture coordinates are generated
according to the textureCoordinatesGenerationType parameter.