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EngineRuntimeOptions Fields

The EngineRuntimeOptions type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberFramesCountToReleaseEmptyMemoryBlock FramesCountToReleaseEmptyMemoryBlock defines the number of frames before an empty memory block is freed (each frame is counted as one call to Render(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) method; usually this method is called 60 times per second). Default value is 10 which means that when a memory block becomes free it will remain active until 10 frames are rendered. This helps reusing the memory blocks. When set to value smaller than zero, then empty memory blocks are never automatically freed and user needs to call Cleanup(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) with freeEmptyMemoryBlocks parameter set to true.
Public fieldStatic memberInitialBufferMemoryBlockSize Gets size in bytes that defines the size of the first memory block used for GpuBuffers. The next block that is allocated is twice the size of the previous block. Default value is 1 MB.
Public fieldStatic memberInitialImageMemoryBlockSize Gets size in bytes that defines the size of the first memory block used for GpuImages. The next block that is allocated is twice the size of the previous block. Default value is 16 MB.
Public fieldStatic memberLinePositionsCountRequiredForComplexGeometry LinePositionsCountRequiredForComplexGeometry specifies the number of positions that define a 3D line that are required to put the RenderingItem with ScreenSpaceLineNode into the ComplexGeometryRenderingLayer (sending it to GPU as fast as possible) instead of into the LineGeometryRenderingLayer. Default value is 20000.
Public fieldStatic memberMaxAllocatedMemoryBlockSize Gets size in bytes that defines the maximum allocated memory block size (except if a bigger memory block is required). The size of blocks that are allocated is doubled each time a block is allocated. This value defines the size after which the allocated size is not doubled anymore. Default value is 256 MB.
Public fieldStatic memberMeshTriangleIndicesCountRequiredForComplexGeometry TriangleIndicesCountRequiredForComplexGeometry specifies the number of triangles that are required to put the RenderingItems created from object derived from ModelNode3D into the ComplexGeometryRenderingLayer (sending it to GPU as fast as possible) instead of into the StandardGeometryRenderingLayer. Default value is 100000.
Public fieldStatic memberReuseDisposedMemoryBlockIndexes When true and when a memory block is disposed, then its index can be used for the next allocated memory block. When false, then the indexes always increase. Default value is true.
Public fieldStatic memberValidationErrorPrefixText 
See Also