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ModelUtilsReplaceMaterial Method

Goes through all models and replaces the materialToFind with newMaterial. When isBackMaterial is set to true, BackMaterial is replaced instead of Material.

Namespace: Ab3d.Utilities
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public static void ReplaceMaterial(
	Model3D model,
	Material materialToFind,
	Material newMaterial,
	bool isBackMaterial = false


model  Model3D
GeometryModel3D or Model3DGroup
materialToFind  Material
Material that will be replaced by newMaterial
newMaterial  Material
Material that will be used instead of materialToFind
isBackMaterial  Boolean  (Optional)
if true then BackMaterial is replaced instead of Material
See Also