DynamicPlanarShadowRenderingProvider Class |
DynamicPlanarShadowRenderingProvider provides support for rendering dynamic and soft shadows to a texture that can be shown as a material on a 3D plane.
Inheritance Hierarchy Namespace: Ab3d.DirectXAssembly: Ab3d.DXEngine (in Ab3d.DXEngine.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048 (
Syntax public class DynamicPlanarShadowRenderingProvider : ShadowRenderingProviderBase
The DynamicPlanarShadowRenderingProvider type exposes the following members.
Constructors Properties | Name | Description |
| BlurAmount |
Amont of blurring that is applied to the shadow texture. Default value is 2.
| BlurFilterSize |
Size of the blur filer - number of pixels that are read to get the color produces by this post-process.
Possible values for BlurFilterSize are: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.
Default value is 9.
| BlurPostProcessingRenderingStep |
Gets a RenderPostProcessingRenderingStep that blurs the normal-depth texture.
| DynamicPlanarShadowRenderingStepsGroup |
Gets a RenderingStepsGroup that groups rendering step that render the soft planar shadow.
| IsTransparentShadow |
When true (by default), then shows is rendered with transparent background and also shadow is semi-transparent - full shadow is opaque, half shadow has alpha values set to 0.5.
| MinDepth |
Depth values lower than this value will be rendered as fully in shadow.
The valid range of this value is between 0 and 1. Default value is 0.1.
| PlaneHeightDirection |
Height direction vector of the 3D plane that will show the shadow material.
| PlaneNormal |
Normal vector of the 3D plane that will show the shadow material.
| RenderDepthTextureRenderingStep |
Gets a RenderObjectsRenderingStep that renders the objects from the ShadowCenterPosition to a normal-depth texture.
| RenderShadowFromDepthTextureRenderingStep |
Gets a RenderDepthShadowRenderingStep that renders RGBA shadow texture from the normal-depth texture.
| ShadowCenterPosition |
Position that defines from where the shadow objects will be rendered - the distance from the plane that goes through ShadowCenterPosition defines the amount of shadow.
| ShadowDarkness |
Darkness of the shadow. Default values is 1. Smaller values decreases the amount of shadow.
| ShadowMapHeight |
Gets an integer value that represents the height of a shadow depth map texture.
This value is set by the constructor that takes shadowMapSize or from the constructor that takes back buffers.
| ShadowMapWidth |
Gets an integer value that represents the width of a shadow depth map texture.
This value is set by the constructor that takes shadow map size or from the constructor that takes back buffers.
| ShadowRenderTargetView |
Gets the RenderTargetView of the shadow texture.
| ShadowShaderResourceView |
Gets the ShaderResourceView of the shadow texture.
| ShadowTexture |
Gets ShadowTexture as Texture2D
| ShadowTextureDescription |
Gets the Texture2DDescription of the shadow texture.
| ShadowVisibilityDistance |
Gets the max distance in the world coordinates when the shadow will be still visible.
Objects farther away from the ShadowCenterPosition will not show shadow.
When set to 0, then world's bounding box height is used - PlaneNormal must be (0,1,0).
| ShadowWorldSize |
Size in world coordinate of the 3D plane that will show the shadow material.
TopMethods | Name | Description |
| EnableForOneFrame |
EnableForOneFrame method enables this DynamicPlanarShadowRenderingProvider only for the next frame.
This will render the ShadowTexture and then stop rendering the shadow texture.
This can be used when a static 3D objects is shown and improves performance because shadow texture is not updated to the same shadow.
TopFields See Also