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PlanarShadowRenderingProvider Methods

The PlanarShadowRenderingProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodCalculateShadowMatrix CalculateShadowMatrix is a virtual method that calculates the shadow matrix from the shadow light. This matrix is used to transform the 3D objects into flat shadow meshes.
Public methodStatic memberGetDirectionalLightShadowMatrix GetDirectionalLightShadowMatrix is a static method that calculates the shadow matrix for the specified light direction and shadow plane.
Public methodStatic memberGetPointLightShadowMatrix GetPointLightShadowMatrix is a static method that calculates the shadow matrix for the specified light position and shadow plane.
Public methodUpdate Update method is called on each DXScene.Update call before rendering of the scene begins. If derived class need to create some SceneNodes then they should be created in the overridden methods.
(Overrides ShadowRenderingProviderBaseUpdate)
See Also