IAutomatic |
public interface IAutomaticNearFarPlaneCamera
The IAutomaticNearFarPlaneCamera type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AutomaticPlaneDistanceCalculationAdjustmentFactor | Gets or sets a float that is multiplied by the automatically calculated near and far plane distance. This makes the near plane slightly closer and far plane slightly farther away. This prevents clipping the objects that are located very close to near and far planes. | |
IsAutomaticFarPlaneDistanceCalculation | Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's far clip plane. By default NearPlaneDistance is automatically calculated from the 3D scene bounding box and camera position. This can be disabled by setting IsAutomaticFarPlaneDistanceCalculation to false. | |
IsAutomaticNearPlaneDistanceCalculation | Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's near clip plane. By default NearPlaneDistance is automatically calculated from the 3D scene bounding box and camera position. This can be disabled by setting IsAutomaticNearPlaneDistanceCalculation to false. | |
IsCameraChangedRaisedOnAutomaticPlaneDistanceCalculation | Gets or sets a Boolean that specify if CameraChanged event is raised when the NearPlaneDistance and FarPlaneDistance are automatically calculated and then the SetPlaneDistances(Single, Single, Boolean) method is called. Default value is false. | |
MaxFarPlaneDistance | When MaxFarPlaneDistance is set to any value that is not float.NaN and IsAutomaticFarPlaneDistanceCalculation is true, the calculated far plane distance is never bigger then the specified value. This value must be bigger then MinNearPlaneDistance or its value is not used. Default value is NaN. | |
MinNearPlaneDistance | When MinNearPlaneDistance is set to any value that is not float.NaN and IsAutomaticNearPlaneDistanceCalculation is true, the calculated near plane distance is never smaller then the specified value. Default value is NaN. |
Name | Description | |
SetPlaneDistances | SetPlaneDistances method is used to set NearPlaneDistance and FarPlaneDistance after the values are automatically calculated. Bases on the value of IsCameraChangedRaisedOnAutomaticPlaneDistanceCalculation the CameraChanged event is raised. |