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Ab4d.SharpEngine.Cameras Namespace

Public classCamera Camera is a base camera that is used as a base class for all camera classes in SharpEngine except for MatrixCamera.
Public classCode exampleFirstPersonCamera FirstPersonCamera is a camera that simulates the person's view on the world.
Public classCode exampleFreeCamera FreeCamera is a camera that is not defined by heading, attitude and bank angle. The camera is not limited to rotation around the up axis. Instead, the camera is defined by CameraPosition, TargetPosition and UpDirection.
Public classMatrixCamera MatrixCamera is a simple camera that is defined by the View and Projection matrices. The user must manually set the View and properties. It is also recommended to set the camera's position by calling the SetCameraPosition(Vector3) method (this prevents calling invert on view matrix when the GetCameraPosition is called).
Public classSphericalCamera SphericalCamera is a base abstract class for all cameras that defined Heading, Attitude and Bank properties.
Public classCode exampleTargetPositionCamera TargetPositionCamera is a camera that is looking at the specified position (TargetPosition) from the specified angle (Heading, Attitude, Bank) and distance (Distance). The camera is rotated around the up axis in the current coordinate system.
Public interfaceIAutomaticNearFarPlaneCamera IAutomaticNearFarPlaneCamera interface is used by the camera that can automatically adjust the near and far plane distance.
Public interfaceICamera ICamera is base interface that defines a 3D camera in DXEngine
Public interfaceICameraPositionCamera ICameraPositionCamera is camera that implements CameraPosition property.
Public interfaceICameraWithLight ICameraWithLight interface is implemented by the camera that supports CameraLight.
Public interfaceIDistanceCamera IDistanceCamera interface is used by cameras that implement Distance property.
Public interfaceIFitIntoViewCamera IFitIntoViewCamera interface defines methods that are used to fit camera into view.
Public interfaceIFreeCamera IFreeCamera interface defines a camera with UpDirection and RotationUpAxis properties.
Public interfaceIOrthographicCamera IOrthographicCamera interface is used by cameras that implement ViewWidth property (can be used to show orthographic projection).
Public interfaceIPerspectiveCamera IPerspectiveCamera interface defines the perspective camera with FieldOfView property
Public interfaceIRotatingCamera IRotatingCamera interface defines a camera that provides rotation animation
Public interfaceIRotationCenterPositionCamera IRotationCenterPositionCamera interface defines a camera with RotationCenterPosition property.
Public interfaceISphericalCamera ISphericalCamera interface defines a camera where the look direction is defined by Heading, Attitude and Bank angles.
Public interfaceITargetPositionCamera ITargetPositionCamera interface is used by cameras that implement TargetPosition property.
Public enumerationProjectionTypes ProjectionTypes defines possible types of camera projection.