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Camera Methods

The Camera type exposes the following members.

Protected methodStatic memberCreatePerspectiveHorizontalFovRH PerspectiveFovRH calculates the matrix for the horizontal field of view for right handed coordinate system
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeJson DeserializeJson deserialize the specified jsonString into a new instance of the camera. The jsonString should be created by the SerializeToJson method. If it is created manually, then the jsonString must start with the full type name of the camera.
Public methodGetCameraMatrices GetCameraMatrices method gets the camera's view and projection matrices. When the optional parameter updateIfDirty is true (by default) then the Update(Boolean) method is called if the camera was changed after the last matrices were calculated.
Public methodGetCameraPlaneOrientation GetCameraPlaneOrientation gets plane's normal, width and height vectors that can be used to orient the plane 3D model so that it is aligned with the camera view.
Public methodGetCameraPosition Returns the current position of the camera.
Public methodGetLookDirection Returns the look direction of the camera.
Public methodGetUpDirection Returns the up direction of the camera.
Public methodGetViewProjectionMatrix Gets a precalculated View * Projection matrix. When the optional parameter updateIfDirty is true (by default) then the Update(Boolean) method is called if the camera was changed after the last matrices were calculated.
Protected methodOnCameraChanged OnCameraChanged
Protected methodOnCameraLightCreated OnCameraLightCreated
Protected methodOnIsRotatingChanged OnIsRotatingChanged is called to fire IsRotatingChanged event.
Protected methodOnSceneViewChanged OnSceneViewChanged
Public methodRotateCamera Rotates the camera for the specified heading and attitude.
Public methodSerializeToJson SerializeToJson serializes the specified camera into a json string. The returned string starts with assembly qualified camera type name. The serialized json can be converted to a camera by calling static DeserializeJson(String) method.
Protected methodSetCameraMatrices SetCameraMatrices method can be called from a derived class to change the View and Projection matrix after the View and Projection matrices were calculated by the derived class.
Public methodSetPlaneDistances SetPlaneDistances method is used to set NearPlaneDistance and FarPlaneDistance after the values are automatically calculated. Bases on the value of IsCameraChangedRaisedOnAutomaticPlaneDistanceCalculation the CameraChanged event is raised.
Public methodStartRotation(Single, Single) StartRotation method immediately starts Heading and Attitude animation for this camera. To slowly start the camera rotation and than accelerate the rotation, use the StartRotation(Single, Single, Single, FuncSingle, Single) method.
Public methodStartRotation(Single, Single, Single, FuncSingle, Single) StartRotation method slowly starts the camera rotation (animating Heading and Attitude properties) and than accelerates the rotation. To immediately start rotation for this camera, use the StartRotation(Single, Single) method.
Public methodStopRotation StopRotation immediately stops the rotation animation of the camera.
Public methodStopRotation(Single, FuncSingle, Single) StopRotation slowly stops the rotation animation of the camera with preserving the rotation inertia.
Public methodUpdate Update method updates the camera matrices when needed (when there were any change in the camera properties) or when forceMatrixUpdate is set to true.
Public methodUpdateAnimations UpdateAnimations method updates the camera's rotation when it is animated.
Protected methodUpdateCameraLight Updates the CameraLight based on the value of ShowCameraLight. This method also disables all CameraLights that do not use this camera (for example when the same Scene is shown in multiple SceneViews and each camera defines its own CameraLight).
See Also