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MouseCameraControllerMouseAndKeyboardConditions Enumeration

MouseAndKeyboardConditions enum defines the conditions that can be used to specify what condition must be met to rotate or move the camera.

Namespace: Ab3d.Controls
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public enum MouseAndKeyboardConditions
Member nameValueDescription
Disabled0 This action is disabled
LeftMouseButtonPressed1 Left mouse button must be pressed
RightMouseButtonPressed2 Right mouse button must be pressed
MiddleMouseButtonPressed4 Middle mouse button must be pressed
ShiftKey32 Shift key must be pressed
AltKey64 Alt key must be pressed
ControlKey128 Control key must be pressed

MouseAndKeyboardConditions enum defines the conditions that can be used to specify what condition must be met to rotate or move the camera.

To specify conditions to rotate the camera use the RotateCameraConditions property. To specify conditions to move the camera use the MoveCameraConditions property.

See Also