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CameraControlPanel Class

CameraControlPanel is a predefined control panel that shows buttons to manipulate the Ab3d.Camera.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.Controls
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public class CameraControlPanel : BaseControllerControl

The CameraControlPanel type exposes the following members.

Public methodCameraControlPanel Constructor
Public propertyDelay Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the buttons on CameraControlPanel wait while they begin to repeatedly change the camera. Default value is 250.
Public propertyInterval Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, between repeats once repeating starts.
Public propertyMoveAmount When MoveAmount is set to a value that is not 0 or double.NaN, then the camera is moved for this value when the left, right, up or down button is pressed. When MoveAmount is 0 or NaN, then the move amount is calculated based on the current camera's Distance or CameraWidth and the size of the Viewport3D. Default value is 0.
Public propertyMoveChangeFactor Gets or sets the value that is used on each Change Interval to move the camera forward or backward. The value is multiplied with the current Camera Distance. Default value is 1.05.
Public propertyRotationChange Gets or sets the value in degrees that is used on each Change Interval to rotate the camera. Default value is 5.
Public propertyShowMoveButtons Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the move buttons are shown. Default value is false.
Public propertyShowRotateButtons Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the rotate buttons are shown. Default value is true.
Public propertyShowZoomButtons Gets or sets a Boolean that specifies if the move forward and move backward buttons are shown. Default value is true.
Public methodChangeCameraDistance ChangeCameraDistance method change the distance of the TargetCamera by multiplying it by the changeFactor
Protected methodGetSelectedBitmapForImageName GetSelectedBitmapForImageName method gets the Selected BitmapSource for the Image with imageName. If null is returned, the original image is not changed.
Protected methodGetUnSelectedBitmapForImageName GetUnSelectedBitmapForImageName method gets the Un-Selected BitmapSource for the Image with imageName. If null is returned, the original image is not changed.
Protected methodMeasureOverride MeasureOverride
(Overrides ControlMeasureOverride(Size))
Public methodMoveCamera MoveCamera method moves the camera for the mouse change defined by offsetXChange and offsetYChange parameters.
Public methodOnApplyTemplate OnApplyTemplate
(Overrides FrameworkElementOnApplyTemplate)
Public methodRotateCamera RotateCamera method rotates the camera for the mouse change defined by headingChange and attitudeChange parameters.
Protected methodSubscribeImageEvents SubscribeImageEvents method subscribes mouse events to Images used in CameraControlPanel
Protected methodUpdateShownButtons UpdateShownButtons method shows or hides the shown buttons based on the ShowMoveButtons, ShowRotateButtons and ShowZoomButtons properties.
Public fieldStatic memberDelayProperty DelayProperty
Public fieldStatic memberIntervalProperty IntervalProperty
Public fieldStatic memberMoveAmountProperty MoveAmountProperty
Protected fieldmoveBackImage backImage
Protected fieldmoveCanvas Canvas that hosts move buttons
Public fieldStatic memberMoveChangeFactorProperty MoveChangeFactorProperty
Protected fieldmoveDownImage move down Image
Protected fieldmoveForwardImage forwardImage
Protected fieldmoveLeftImage move left Image
Protected fieldmoveRightImage move right Image
Protected fieldmoveUpImage move up Image
Protected fieldrootStackPanel StackPanel control that hosts all three Canvases
Protected fieldrootViewbox rootViewbox control
Protected fieldrotateCanvas Canvas that hosts rotate buttons
Protected fieldrotateDownImage rotate down Image
Protected fieldrotateLeftImage rotate left Image
Protected fieldrotateRightImage rotate right Image
Protected fieldrotateUpImage rotate up Image
Public fieldStatic memberRotationChangeProperty RotationChangeProperty
Public fieldStatic memberShowMoveButtonsProperty ShowMoveButtonsProperty
Public fieldStatic memberShowRotateButtonsProperty ShowRotateButtonsProperty
Public fieldStatic memberShowZoomButtonsProperty ShowZoomButtonsProperty
Protected fieldzoomCanvas Canvas that hosts zoom buttons

The Ab3d.Camera that is controlled by the CameraControlPanel is defined by the TargetCamera or TargetCameraName properties.

If the Ab3d.Camera is not set manually and the IsAutoCameraFindingEnabled property is set to true, the contoller try to find the first Ab3d.Camera by looking at controls parents.

The amount of the camera change is defined by the following properties:
RotationChange, MoveChangeFactor, Interval and Delay.

It is also possible to control the camera by the ChangeCameraDistance(Double) and RotateCamera(Double, Double) helper methods.

See Also