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MouseCameraControllerCameraZoomMode Enumeration

CameraZoomMode defines the possible MouseCameraController's zoom modes. Each zoom mode specifies different location into which the camera is zoomed.

Namespace: Ab3d.Controls
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.1.8864.1045
public enum CameraZoomMode
Member nameValueDescription
Viewport3DCenter0 Zooms into the center of the Viewport3D
CameraRotationCenterPosition1 Zooms into the 3D position defined by the TargetPositionCamera.RotationCenterPosition or FreeCamera.RotationCenterPosition property. This mode can be used only with TargetPositionCamera or FreeCamera.
MousePosition2 Zooms into the 3D position that is "behind" current mouse position. If there is no 3D object behind mouse position, then camera is zoomed into the Viewport3D center. This mode can be used only with TargetPositionCamera or FreeCamera. When this zoom mode is used, it changes the value of the TargetPositionCamera.RotationCenterPosition or FreeCamera.RotationCenterPosition property.
See Also