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Mesh3DFactory Methods

The Mesh3DFactory type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, IListPoint3D, Vector3D, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D shape defined by positions and that is extruded so that the model follows the specified path.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, Boolean, Vector3D, Vector3D, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D polygon defined by positions and that is extruded by using extrudeVector.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, Boolean, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D polygon defined by positions and that is extruded by using extrudeVector.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, IListInt32, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3D, Vector3D, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D polygon defined by positions and that is extruded by using extrudeVector.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, IListInt32, IListPoint3D, Vector3D, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D shape defined by positions and that is extruded so that the model follows the specified path.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, IListInt32, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D polygon defined by positions and that is extruded by using extrudeVector.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, IListInt32, PointCollection, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean) Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from triangulated positions and triangle indices and original allPolygons array.
See Also