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Mesh3DFactoryCreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(IListPoint, IListInt32, PointCollection, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector3D, ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType, Boolean, Boolean) Method

Returns a MeshGeometry3D that is created from triangulated positions and triangle indices and original allPolygons array.

Namespace: Ab3d.Meshes
Assembly: Ab3d.PowerToys (in Ab3d.PowerToys.dll) Version: 11.2.9104.2045
public static MeshGeometry3D CreateExtrudedMeshGeometry(
	IList<Point> triangulatedPositions,
	IList<int> triangulatedIndices,
	PointCollection[] allPolygons,
	bool isSmooth,
	bool isYAxisUp,
	bool flipNormals,
	Vector3D modelOffset,
	Vector3D extrudeVector,
	Vector3D meshXVector,
	Vector3D meshYVector,
	ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType textureCoordinatesGenerationType = ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType.Cylindrical,
	bool addBottomTriangles = true,
	bool addTopTriangles = true


triangulatedPositions  IListPoint
IList of 2D position that are get from triangulator and define the shape that will be extruded
triangulatedIndices  IListInt32
IList of triangle indices that are get from triangulator and define the shape triangles
allPolygons  PointCollection
an array of PointCollection that define polygons (
isSmooth  Boolean
If true than the mesh appears smooth, if false the edges are sharp
isYAxisUp  Boolean
true when the shape's Y axis is up
flipNormals  Boolean
If true than normals are flipped - used when positions are defined in counter clockwise order
modelOffset  Vector3D
Vector3D that defines an offset of the model - offset is added to each position
extrudeVector  Vector3D
Vector3D that defines the extrusion direction and the distance from the start and end surfaces
meshXVector  Vector3D
Vector3D that defines the X (right) direction of the mesh
meshYVector  Vector3D
Vector3D that defines the Y (up) direction of the mesh
textureCoordinatesGenerationType  ExtrudeTextureCoordinatesGenerationType  (Optional)
type of texture geometry generation (Cylindrical by default)
addBottomTriangles  Boolean  (Optional)
when true (by default) the triangles for the bottom part of the object are created, otherwise the bottom part is opened
addTopTriangles  Boolean  (Optional)
when true (by default) the triangles for the top part of the object are created, otherwise the top part is opened

Return Value

MeshGeometry3D that is created from 2D polygon defined by positions and that is extruded by using extrudeVector

CreateExtrudedMeshGeometry creates a MeshGeometry3D that is created from triangulated positions and triangle indices and original allPolygons array.

See Also