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GraphicsProfile Class

GraphicsProfile specifies the settings that are used to initialize DXDevice with DirectX 11 device and DXSceneView.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab3d.DirectX
Assembly: Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf (in Ab3d.DXEngine.Wpf.dll) Version: 7.1.9105.2048
public class GraphicsProfile

The GraphicsProfile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDefaultAdapter Gets or sets an adapter (graphics card) that will be used to create DirectX device. When null (by default) the default adapter is used.
Public propertyDefaultAdapterDescription Gets a string that represents the desciption of the default adapter.
Public propertyDisplayName Gets or sets a nicely formated name of this GraphicsProfile.
Public propertyDriverType Gets a type of driver that will be used for rendering.
Public propertyExecutePixelShaderPerSampleObsolete.
ExecutePixelShaderPerSample is obsolete. Use SupersamplingCount instead.
Public propertyName Gets name of this GraphicsProfile.
Public propertyPreferedMultisampleCount Gets or sets an integer that specifies the multisampling count that should be used by the graphics card. If specified multisamplig count is not supported, than the highest supported multisamplig count will be used. Possible values are: 0 (disabled), 2, 4, 8, 16. Increasing multisampling count improve image quality by reducing pixel aliasing but can greatly reduce performance. NOTE: Changing this property after the DXDevice is initialized will have no effect.
Public propertyShaderQuality Gets or sets a quality settings that specifies the type of shader that should be used to render the scene. Default value is Normal.
Public propertySupersamplingCount Gets or sets the super-sampling count that describes how much more pixels are rendered for each final pixel. The rendering is done on a scaled texture that is bigger for the amount specified by SupersamplingCount. At the end of rendering this texture is down-sampled into the texture with the final size. Valid values are from 1 (no super-sampling) to 64. Value 4 means that width and height are multiplied by 2 and this produces a texture with 4 times as many pixels.
Public propertyTextureFiltering Gets or sets the texture filtering technique that will be used to sample colors from textures.
Public methodClone Clones this GraphicsProfile into a new GraphicsProfile.
Public methodClone(String) Clones this GraphicsProfile into a new GraphicsProfile.
Public methodGetDXDeviceConfiguration Gets a DXDeviceConfiguration created from this GraphicsProfile
Public methodStatic memberGetStandardGraphicsProfile GetStandardGraphicsProfile returns GraphicsProfile with specified name
Public methodToString Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public fieldStatic memberHighQualityHardwareRendering HighQualityHardwareRendering is using high quality settings with hardware DirectX 11 rendering (using graphic card). This settings uses per-pixel lighting and 4 times supersampling with 4 times multi-sampling (4xSSAA + 4xMSAA).
Public fieldStatic memberHighQualitySoftwareRendering HighQualitySoftwareRendering is using high quality setting with software DirectX 11 rendering. Software rendering can produce the same effects as hardware rendering but is much slower because the rendering is done with the CPU. This settings uses per-pixel lighting and 4-times antialiasing.
Public fieldStatic memberHighSpeedNormalQualityHardwareRendering HighSpeedNormalQualityHardwareRendering is using low quality shaders (per-vertex lighting) with 4-times antialiasing and anisotropic texture sampling for faster rendering and not low quality graphics.
Public fieldStatic memberLowQualityHardwareRendering LowQualityHardwareRendering is using low quality and high performance settings with hardware DirectX 11 rendering (using graphic card). This settings uses per-vertex lighting (same as WPF 3D) and no anti-aliasing.
Public fieldStatic memberLowQualitySoftwareRendering LowQualitySoftwareRendering is using low quality setting with software DirectX 11 rendering. Software rendering can produce the same effects as hardware rendering but is much slower because the rendering is done with the CPU. This settings uses per-vertex lighting and no antialiasing.
Public fieldStatic memberNormalQualityHardwareRendering NormalQualityHardwareRendering is using normal quality settings with hardware DirectX 11 rendering (using graphic card). This settings uses per-pixel lighting (better then WPF 3D) and 4-times multi-sampling (4xMSAA).
Public fieldStatic memberNormalQualitySoftwareRendering NormalQualitySoftwareRendering is using normal quality setting with software DirectX 11 rendering. Software rendering can produce the same effects as hardware rendering but is much slower because the rendering is done with the CPU. This settings uses per-pixel lighting and 2-times antialiasing.
Public fieldStatic memberOptimizedHighQualityHardwareRendering OptimizedHighQualityHardwareRendering is the same as HighQualityHardwareRendering but uses 2 times supersampling instead of 4 times supersampling. This reduces the amount of used memory and required pixel shader invocations by 2 but still significantly improves line quality. This settings uses per-pixel lighting and 2 times supersampling with 4 times multi-sampling (2xSSAA + 4xMSAA).
Public fieldStatic memberStandardGraphicsProfiles StandardGraphicsProfiles is a array of all standard GraphicsProfiles
Public fieldStatic memberUltraQualityHardwareRendering UltraQualityHardwareRendering is using ultra quality settings with hardware DirectX 11 rendering (using graphic card). This settings uses per-pixel lighting and 16 times supersampling with 2 times multi-sampling (16xSSAA + 2xMSAA).
Public fieldStatic memberWpf3D Wpf3D is using WPF to render 3D graphics.

GraphicsProfile specifies the settings that are used to initialize DXDevice with DirectX 11 device and DXView.

GraphicsProfile is used when creating the DXView.

See Also