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PhysicallyBasedMaterialSetTextureMap Method

Overload List
Public methodSetTextureMap(TextureMapTypes, ShaderResourceView, String) SetTextureMap updates existing TextureMapInfo (when TextureMapInfo with the same mapType was already added) or adds a new TextureMapInfo to the TextureMaps list. To also set the SamplerState, you can use SetTextureMap(TextureMapTypes, ShaderResourceView, SamplerState, String) method.
Public methodSetTextureMap(TextureMapTypes, ShaderResourceView, SamplerState, String) SetTextureMap updates existing TextureMapInfo (when TextureMapInfo with the same mapType was already added) or adds a new TextureMapInfo to the TextureMaps list. To preserve the existing SamplerState, you can use SetTextureMap(TextureMapTypes, ShaderResourceView, String) method.
See Also