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MeshOctTreeNode Methods

The MeshOctTreeNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddTriangle Adds a triangle with the specified triangleBoundingBox and index to this or any child node.
Public methodStatic memberCollectBoundingBoxesInLevel CollectBoundingBoxesInLevel is a diagnostics method and fills the boundingBoxes list with bounding boxes from child nodes.
Public methodStatic memberCollectNodesCountInLevel CollectNodesCountInLevel is a diagnostics method and returns the number of nodes (MeshOctTreeNode objects) in the specified targetNodeLevel level.
Public methodStatic memberCollectNodesTrianglesCountInLevel CollectNodesTrianglesCountInLevel is a diagnostics method and fills a list of triangles count as int values with number of triangles in each node
Public methodGetAllHitResults Hit test a ray against the triangles in this and child MeshOctTreeNodes and adds all hit result int the specified hitResults list.
Public methodStatic memberGetTrianglesCountInLevel Gets number of triangles in the specified node and its child nodes.
Public methodHitTest Hit test a ray against the triangles in this and child MeshOctTreeNodes and returns the closest hit result.
Public methodOptimize Optimize method optimizes this oct tree node and its child nodes. It is possible to remove empty child nodes and in case of a single child node move its triangles to this node. This method is automatically called from the MeshOctTree constructor.
See Also