The ultimate WPF 3D toolkit to create amazing 3D content with the easiest to use 3D API and many code samples.
The library provides easy-to-use cameras, mouse and touch camera controls and event handling on 3D objects. It includes many 3D objects, various 3D lines, 3D text,
import and export from and to various 3D files, and many other features needed for a professional 3D application.
The library used WPF 3D rendering engine. The rendering performance and visual quality can be significantly improved by using the Ab3d.DXEngine rendering engine.
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Industry-proven DirectX 11 rendering engine for .Net applications on Windows.
Ab3d.DXEngine can render 3D scenes that are defined by WPF 3D and Ab3d.PowerToys library.
It is built for advanced business and scientific 3D visualization.
It uses super fast rendering techniques that can fully utilize graphics card and provide the ultimate performance.
The engine delivers top visual quality with super-sampling and advanced visual effects like PBR and shadows.
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CadImporter can import STEP (.step and .stp) and IGES (.iges and .igs) files.
Ab4d.CadImporter is a STEP and IGES file importer that can import 3D parts hierarchy (Compound and Solid objects) with all faces. For each face you can get the list of edges that are defined by different curves (curve type with all the curve parameters are imported).
CadImporter can also generate triangulated 3D meshes and generate interpolated edge positions.
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