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CurveLineNode Class

CurveLineNode class is used to create a 3D curve that is rendered as a single poly-line.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Ab4d.SharpEngine.SceneNodes
Assembly: Ab4d.SharpEngine (in Ab4d.SharpEngine.dll) Version: 2.0.8956+4c7684e186ca1be74e7a284fbe739d9a1b843d3c
public class CurveLineNode : PolyLineBaseNode

The CurveLineNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodCurveLineNode(String)Initializes a new instance of the CurveLineNode class
Public methodCurveLineNode(IPolyLineMaterial, String)Initializes a new instance of the CurveLineNode class
Public methodCurveLineNode(Color3, Single, String)Initializes a new instance of the CurveLineNode class
Public methodCurveLineNode(Color4, Single, String)Initializes a new instance of the CurveLineNode class
Public methodCurveLineNode(CurveLineNodeCurveTypes, Vector3, Int32, Color4, Single, String)Initializes a new instance of the CurveLineNode class
Public methodCurveLineNode(CurveLineNodeCurveTypes, Vector3, Single, Int32, Color4, Single, String)Initializes a new instance of the CurveLineNode class
Public propertyControlPoints Control points of the curve. When positions in the array are changed, call the UpdatePositions method to update the mesh.
Public propertyCurveScale CurveScale is used for CurveThroughPoints and defines the curvature of the curve. Default value is 0.25.
Public propertyCurveType Type of the curve. Default value is CurveTypes.Undefined (linear line segments).
Public propertyPositionsPerSegment Number of generated positions per each curve segment. The higher the value, the smoother the curve. Default value is 30.
Public propertyWeights Weights corresponding to control points. Used only with NURBS curve type. When weights in the array are changed, call the UpdatePositions method to update the mesh.
Public methodUpdatePositions UpdatePositions method must be called when the value in the ControlPoints or Weights are changed.
See Also