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TubePathModelNode Properties

The TubePathModelNode type exposes the following members.

Public propertyGenerateTextureCoordinates Generate texture coordinates. Automatically considered true if pathPositionTextureCoordinates is valid. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyIsPathClosed Flag indicating whether the path is closed, i.e., the last point is automatically connected to the first one. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyIsTubeClosed Flag indicating whether the tube is closed, i.e., has filled the start and end circle surface). Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyPathPositions Array of path positions. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyPathPositionTextureCoordinates Optional array of texture coordinates corresponding to given path positions. If not specified, the texture is evenly divided among path segments. If fewer texture coordinates are given than there are path points, the last texture coordinate is replicated. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertyRadius Tube radius. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
Public propertySegments Number of segments comprising the tube's side surface. Default value is 30. Property change will re-generate the mesh in the next update phase. To immediately re-generate the mesh, call the Update method.
See Also