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ObjMaterial Properties

The ObjMaterial type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlpha Gets or set an alpha transparency value for that material (1 is non-transparent, 0 is fully transparent)
Public propertyAmbientColor Gets or sets an ambient color.
Public propertyBumpTexture Gets or sets a name of the file that is used as a bump texture.
Public propertyDiffuseColor Gets or sets a diffuse color.
Public propertyDiffuseTexture Gets or sets a name of the file that is used as a diffuse texture.
Public propertyEmissiveColor Gets or sets an emissive color.
Public propertyName Gets or sets a name of the material.
Public propertySpecularColor Gets or sets a specular color.
Public propertySpecularPower Gets or sets a value used for specular power.
Public propertySpecularTexture Gets or sets a name of the file that is used as a specular texture.
See Also